Chapter 3: I'm Not A Song Writer

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It's probably obvious, but Sicheng still wonders if Culture T Entertainment is struggling.

Everything just seems to be functioning on bare bones. The building is only four floors, plus a basement. The floors aren't very big either. Sicheng did a little measuring around the practice room, and was shocked. If Limitless were practicing their movements and formations there, the members would be squished against walls a lot.

"Is... Is Jaemin the only idol here?" Sicheng asks Miyu curiously. "No trainees either?"

Miyu nods.

"Jaemin is our only artist and was our only trainee. Funny, huh? But he's a real gem."

Miyu is showing him around, but Sicheng pretty much already gave himself a tour. The building is pretry small afterall. He likes Miyu's company regardless. She's pretty easy going and seems knowledgeable about music. He's pretty sure he heard her singing Fall Out Boy, so Kana would definetly like to be friends with her.

She's also got mad cool hair.

It's an ash gray, but more bluish.

"Are you three the only people here in this place all the time?" Sicheng asks as she shows him the small recording studio in the basement.

"Well, you're here now so no," she giggles.

"There's no stylists or managers?"

"Yuta-kun manages Jaemin," she tells him. "We don't have enough to pay for a stylist since we're saving for better equipment. I'm lucky Yuta-kun decides to pay me just as much as other secretaries around town."

"Is his father's company helping out?"

"That," she looks at him with a sort of delicate smile. "Is something I would answer if I knew. Yuta-kun hasn't mentioned support from anyone. Not even his father. Since you seem to be closer to him, why don't you tell me if you find out?"

"W-Well, not really," Sicheng recoils a little. "I just met him for the first time the other day. We're not really close or anything like that. I'm just here to teach Jaemin."

Miyu starts laughing.

"Ah? Why are you laughing?" Sicheng's not pouting, but it sure sounds like he is.

"Well... Jaemin is one heck of a hard worker," she explains. "You may have to prepare yourself. Yuta-kun may be his boss, but Jaemin makes sure to utilize him from head to toe if he can."

"What do you mean?"

"Knowing Jaemin, he'll squeeze out more than just teaching out of you. You'll just have to experience it to know," Miyu claps. She then gestures around the room. "Now! I know this looks like not much at all. Currently Yuta-kun is working on getting us more monitors and sound machines for the set up. The mic we have right now isn't the best as well. It's a miracle we got Jaemin's single to sound alright."

"Wait, who did all of the sound engineering and composing?" Sicheng realizes when he remembers they're short on staff.

"Yuta-kun and Jaemin of course!" Miyu says obviously. "They wrote the song together and Jaemin placed every beat in the song himself. Yuta-kun developed the back melodies and took care of all the cutting and mixing. I don't know about music creation programs, so I just focused on making the lyric video."

"Ah that too. Everyone is wondering why Jaemin doesn't have an MV."

"Well, despite our cameras and sets upstairs, Yuta-kun said they weren't good enough to properly promote Jaemin yet. Hmm... ah, that's right! We don't have proper lights in the studio yet. It also seems that Yuta-kun wanted to test out Jaemin's raw abilities as well."

I'm Not A Girl, Mr. CEO // Yuwin Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora