Prologue: What It Takes To Tame Monkeys

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[ Throughout this book, Chinese will be in italics, Korean in normal text, and Japanese in bold. ]

"1! 2! 3! We can be! Hello, we are  Dream!"

Sicheng smiled and did his bows to his newly assigned idol group. The choreographer was ecstatic to work with such a popular group of boys.

"Good morning, Dream," Sicheng greeted all of them in a friendly manner. "I am Dong Sicheng, however, it's Winwin-hyung for you. I'll be working with you on this album, and I'll do my very best!"

The idols gave each other shocked looks. Sicheng dropped their honorifics so immediately? They stepped towards the older man, extremely excited because Sicheng looked as young as they were.

"I'm Huang Renjun, the leader of Dream. Thank you for being here and please take care of us!"

Renjun was thin, short, but extremely sharp looking. He had raven hair swept up to reveal his forehead, speaking loud and clear that he walked with authority. Though Sicheng marveled at the younger's sweet smile and beautiful face shape, Renjun's firm handshake sent the message that he is the top of the group.

"Pleased to meet you. I didn't expect to be meeting some brothers," Sicheng held in a laugh as he spoke in Mandarin, recognizing Renjun's name as Chinese.

Renjun's jaw fell down in surprise while the other group members settled for running around screaming like someone set a firework loose indoors. (Sicheng doesn't doubt that that IS and idea this idol group would come up with.)

"Ge, you know Chinese?!" A very, very, loud younger idol shrieked. "Aww! Now we can't get away with swearing!"

"Chenle-ah!" A different member gasped. "Don't expose us!"

"I'm from Wenzhou," Sicheng smiled. "Chinese is my first language."

The idols continued to screech in their shook state. Sicheng was their best choreo teacher yet, and their excitement showed.

"Oh, and I'll let the swearing slide if you work hard," Sicheng winked.

"Nice to have you hyung," a tanned boy settled a playful hand on his shoulder. "I'm Donghyuck, but my stage name is Fullsun! Say, would you pay for pizza today?"

"Donghyuck-ah, don't scare our new teacher," Renjun sighed, the only member not crazy enough to wreak havoc at the moment.

"Sure, but you'll be treating me after promotions. Fair?" Sicheng tossed a deal, very friendly with his new students.

The idols, including Renjun, shouted in joy when Sicheng agreed. They all cuddled up to him like kittens.

"REALLY?? YOU'RE THE BEST!" Chenle, the maknae, screeched. "Hello hello, Ge! I'm Zhong Chenle, and I can't wait for pizza!"

"Hey guys, I brought the drinks!"

Entering the practice room was a tall boy. He seemed older than Renjun, but his gummy smile matched the members of Dream perfectly.

"Hello, I am Dong Sicheng. You can call me Winwin-hyung. I'll be your new choreographer for this album," Sicheng greeted the idol.

"Oh, nice to meet you!--Chenle would you grab your drinks--Ah! I'm Xiao Dejun, the oldest of these monkeys!"

"Oh my stars, we're monkeys?!?!" (Chenle)

"Says you!" (Donghyuck)

"Please excuse them." (Renjun)

"Very well. Have you drinks! I'll get the sound system ready!" Sicheng laughed at how funny they were.

It was a dream come true that Sicheng got to work at Neo Entertainment. Neo was home to many successful idol groups, and their dances were incredibly popular once they were out. The company was extremely professional about their staff, and seeing that Sicheng had only just finished his teaching credentials a few months ago, felt his hiring was a miracle.

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