Episode 1: Our Dream Line

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Author's Note

I somehow manage to write all of this in practically a single day. Maybe I'm just a little too excited to start this new series. I'm also trying a slightly new format. Instead of splitting an episode's worth of content into two chapters, I'm just going to write all of it as one single big episode.  


Yurina continues to wait in the waiting room until she is called. She looks over the idols on the video and then starts questioning if she can make it.

Yurina thinks "Can I really make it? I feel like I am still missing something."

As Yurina looks through a few other idols, she questions within her head "Wait, why did everyone want to become an idol?"

After a few minutes, Yurina mutters "Hmm, some just seems like they want money and fame. Ah, this girl became an idol because of a friend. That sounds what Yumiko would be like if I succeed. There is nothing that really stands out... Oh!"

She begins looking closely at an idol's profile closely. It shows the name, Hano Audrey.

Yurina tilts her slightly and asks "Audrey? Is she from another ship?"

As she looks more into her, she mutters as she reads along "Hano Audrey is from Ship 3, one of the ships that still have resource and entertainment strictly controlled. At the age of 11, she was part of the year 661 mass people smuggling incident. Her reason for leaving her ship is because she found out about idols and admires Shiho Yua greatly. Her dream is to do the same and bring joy to her home ship. Due to that strong desire, she manages to stay in ship 7 and is currently the only G class idol in Crystal Idol Academy."

Yurina leans back on her chair and looks at the ceiling for a few seconds then talks to herself "Amazing, I guess there are idols that are just as amazing as Yua. As for me... I..."

As Yurina is thinking about her reason for wanting to become an idol, a staff knocks on the door and enters.

Staff "Shizu Yurina, please come with me. It is your turn."

Yurina quickly stands up and answers "Yes!"

Yurina then follows the staff and walk to the backstage. Yumiko is also there and Yumiko goes over to Yurina.

Yumiko "Are you ready? Do you think you'll be okay?"

Yurina "I don't know..."

Yumiko takes a step back in surprise "Eh? No way, are you really Yurina?"

Yurina retorts "I am! It's just I notice my reason for wanting to become an idol is kind of..."

Yurina doesn't want to say anymore but Yumiko says "Pitiful? Yes, it is. At least you finally realized it."

Yurina shrinks "Uhnn..."

Yumiko sighs "So? Are you going to withdraw?"

Yurina "No, I still want to become an idol. But I don't know what I should do anymore..."

Then a staff comes closer to them "Yurina... right? It's your turn in 90 seconds, please get ready."

Yurina "Okay."

As Yurina turns around, Yumiko gives her one last piece of advice "Yurina, if you don't know the answer. Just say whatever comes to your mind. The worst answer you can give them is 'I don't know.' After that, just do your best on your performance, okay?"

Yurina nods and gets ready.


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