Episode 2: Welcome to Crystal Idol Academy!

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Author's Note

I didn't plan on making this episode too long as well. However, there is just so much that I want to cover. This kind of length will probably last for a few more episodes I think. Also, I created a discord server for this. I will also mention updates for other series too.



In the academy, Yurina and Yumiko look around the academy with the general staff. By the time they finish, it is almost noon. They were then taken to the headmistress's room. After a small wait, they are meeting with Headmistress Miyuki with the three other girls that passed.

Miyuki "Good to see everyone here. First thing first..."

Miyuki pushes give sticks onto the table with their name tag indicating which one is who's.

Miyuki "These are the Aikatsu Pen. They function similarly to a phone and a tablet. However, the most important of all, your ID is engraved in it. To participate in the Aikatsu Ranking, you need to insert the pen into the changing device."

Yurina "Eh?"

Yumiko "It's that hole in the middle, right?"

Yurina "Hole? Ah..."

Miyuki nod "Yes, it records your performance and use it to calculate your ranking. It'll update your idol stats too."

Yurina mutters "Our idol stats..."

Miyuki "Go ahead and take a look at your profile. I'm sure all of you are curious."

Everyone checks on their stats. Yurina then sees her stats to be average of D minus: Appearance D, Singing C, Dancing D, Appeal E, Intuition E, and Knowledge E. Yurina looks at Yumiko who is next to her with a smile. Yumiko notices her gaze and smiles.

Miyuki continues "In this academy, you have no definite class. Every three months, there will be an evaluation test. At this time, you will either move into a more advanced idol class or move into a lower one if your performance becomes worst."

Yurina then raises her hand and asks "Uhmm, so what class are we in?"

Miyuki smiles "That depends on your current idol grade. Each grade average is separated into two classes, plus and minus class. For example, if you are a third-year with an idol grade of C minus or C provisional, you will be in the class 3C-. If you happen to be in the Grade C or C plus, you will be in class 3C+. Does that make sense?"

All five of them "Yes!"

Miyuki smiles "If you click on your profile, you'll see your class detail and dorm information. I hope everyone will be able to enjoy your Aikatsu and aim for the top!"

They answer in unison again "Yes!"

Afterward, they leave the Headmistress's room.

When the door closes behind them, Yurina "Yes! We are officially a Crystal Idol Academy student!"

Except for Yumiko, the other three girls are surprised. However, they smile at Yurina afterward. They also have a happy face on them.

Yurina then turns to look at everyone "Hey, what class is everyone in, and what stats did everyone get?"

Yumiko sighs while the other three girls immediately have their faces turn sour.

One of them says "Ah, sorry. Can we talk later? I want to drop my luggage first. I'll see you later!"

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