Episode 3: Harsh Reality and Yurina Appeal!

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Author's Note

I question myself for writing a chapter this long. Hopefully, this isn't too hard to read. Let me know if this is too long, I'll see if I can break down something.


Early in the morning, Yurina and Yumiko are having a jog.

Both of them "Aikatsu, Aikatsu, Aikatsu..."

They continue to jog until Yumiko suddenly slows down as they see someone stretching.

Yumiko "That's... Suzu..."

Yurina "Suzu? Oh, is she your roommate?"

Yumiko looks at Yurina and says "Yeah, Kosei Suzu... Yurina, let's go ar..."

Before she finished, Suzu noticed them. Yurina then immediately waves at Suzu.

Yurina "She already noticed us. I know we don't the greatest roommate but I'll be here for you!"

Yumiko looks worried "It's not me that I'm worrying for..."

The two of them slowly jog to Suzu and stops.

Suzu looks at Yumiko "Good morning. I thought you had a job. If it is just to do some light training, you could've invited me."

Yumiko looks confused "Eh? Oh, uhmm... sorry."

Suzu sighs "I know what I said before, but if I'm free, I don't mind helping you. After all, I'm the only one in the Star Dorm that has a lot of free time."

Yurina asks "Why?"

Suzu finally looks at Yurina and answers with an annoyed tone "Because I have my circumstance. Is this answer enough for you? Thief."

Yurina "Thief?"

Yumiko shouts "That's enough! This is why I didn't ask you! I told you Yurina is not like that?"

Suzu looks back at Yumiko "Fine, that might be the case right now, but I'm sure she'll end up trying to take advantage of you."

Yumiko "And I'm telling you Yurina will not do that!"

Suzu starts to get angry "How can you be so sure?"

Yumiko "Because Yurina will be able to catch up to me in no time! I'm speaking this from experience!"

Suzu looks at Yumiko for a moment before looking at Yurina and asks "What can you do?"

Yurina "Eh? Uhm... I'm not sure..."

Suzu sighs "Why do I feel like you can't even do Special Appeal? No, I'm probably expecting too much. How about a Normal Appeal?"

Yurina blinks in confusion and asks "What's a Normal Appeal?"

Suzu and Yumiko look down with a huge sigh of disappointment.

Yumiko "Yurina... How can you not know about Normal Appeal?"

Yurina "Ummm, is it similar to Special Appeal?"

Suzu looks at Yurina "At least you know what Special Appeal is. Normal Appeal is a small appeal that uses the Aikatsu system with minimum effect. You can think of it as if you concentrate your Aura into one place and make a small appeal with it."

Yurina "Ohh! Thanks! So instead of trying for Special Appeal, I should try being able to do Normal Appeal. Thanks!"

Suzu looks at Yurina for a bit more.

Yurina asks "Umm, is there something else?"

Suzu "If you are trying to impress me and make me think you are not a thief, try coming up with your own Normal Appeal. Yumiko, don't you help your friend."

Aikatsu GalaxyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora