Episode 4: Struggle With Difference and Sisterhood!

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Author's Note

I'm starting to enjoy writing for this fan series more. Trying to keep things interesting so far and hopefully, I'm doing alright. Let me know what everyone thinks. 


Within the class, Yurina is in class while grinning and not paying attention to the class. Without her noticing, her teacher Kato is already standing next to her.

Kato uses the pen in his hand and pokes Yurina's face "Lovely Yurina, what are you grinning about?"

Yurina breaks out of her daydream and looks at Kato "Eh?"

Kato "It has been a week already, get a hold of yourself."

Yurina "Ah... sorry."

Kato sighs and walks back to the front of the class while saying "Now, on to the next announcement. Since everyone here is struggling in at least one or two areas, there will be a little help. Starting from this year, we are going to start a new program. This program is, sisterhood Selection."

Everyone starts wondering what that is about. Kato then reaches the front and brings up a big holographic poster.

Kato "sisterhood Selection! It is a special program that Hano Audrey came up with to help the struggling idols. While some of you in this class aren't doing too terribly, you may still be lacking. To join this selection, you must choose three idols in the Star Dorm. Of course, not all of them are willing to form a sisterhood and they will not be on the list available to choose. How the idol from the Star Dorm chooses among all of you is completely up to them. Once the sisterhood is formed, your sister will be there to help you at least 4 hours a week for a month. It may not be much, but that is plenty for any of you to learn much from them. Including today, you ladies have 3 days to decide and sent in your application for sisterhood. I wish the best of luck to all of you, my lovely idols!"

Everyone in the class "Yes!"


After class, Yurina meets up with Yumiko and Suzu. Yurina talks about the sisterhood Selection while jogging together.

Yurina "So I was thinking, maybe I can choose one of you?"

Yumiko makes a wry smile "Uhmm..."

Suzu then scolds Yumiko "That's not good, you should just say it."

Yurina looks confused while Yumiko sighs before looking back at Yurina.

Yumiko "I would like to, but I think there isn't much I can teach you. Besides, we are already spending a lot of time together."

Yumiko then turns to Suzu for a moment "Suzu too, she had been helping both of us."

Yurina crosses her arms "Hmm, so I should choose someone else. We can choose up to three people so..."

Yumiko then suggests "How about Kisuna? Her style and type may be different from you but I think you can learn a lot from her."

Yurina nods "I was just thinking about her. Also Roza too."

Suzu then almost trips "Eh! Ah, jees, that surprised me. Do you mean Coosa Roza? That idol with the super amazing stage performance?"

Yurina blinks "Uhmm, I think so? I didn't know she was in the Star Dorm though. I only noticed when I look at the list."

Yumiko then looks up Roza and says "Ah, I talked to her a little bit before. She is... a bit mysterious. But she seems pretty normal."

Suzu "If you watch her performance, you'll know what I mean. She is on the same level as Kisuna. Yurina, how did you meet her?"

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