Meeting the Avengers

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2 Months Later

"So what are your abilities?" Tony asked as Tamara walked in between two poles. Ever since Tamara woke up she's been asking Tony to help her with her therapy.

She's been doing nothing but get back on her feet since she started. They found out a few days in that her bones had been through so much that they were too weak to stand without some sort of help.

Tamara has been using a boot like structure, similar to Bucky Barnes, a friend of Steve's, but not metal.

"From my knowledge, I have invisibility.....I can create portals...." she listed as she used the beams for support.

"I can go into your mind" Tamara said as Tony playfully glared her for using it on him. "Since I'm obviously not dead, I guess I have some sort of regeneration ability" Tamara explained as she walked back and forth.

"I still think your a robot" Tony joked, "and I still think your a metal man." Tamara said back with a smirk. He scoffed rolling his eyes as she giggled.

"I never thanked you" Tamara said as she walked slower, taking her hands slightly off the beam.

"For what?" He asked as he watched her movements carefully making sure she didn't fall. "For helping me" she said pausing her actions.

"I probably wouldn't be here if the bullets weren't removed and the metal was taken out" she said playing with the single ring on her middle finger.

"There's no need to thank me" he shrugged, Tamara focused on her leg as she held her hands out for the poles in case she fell.

The blonde took careful steps towards the other end as a grin fell on her face. She was walking again and she couldn't have felt happier.

"I did it" she whispered widening his eyes. "I did it" she giggled happily looking up to see Tony with a huge smile on his face.

"You know your not so bad" Tamara said as Tony scoffed. "Took you long enough" he said handing her the crutches finishing for the day. "Never said you weren't still and arrogant ass, your egos still bigger than your head" Tamara teased.

"I'll have you know I have tamed my ego" he said raising his head proudly. "Sure" Tamara said as she crutches out of the room with a teasing smirk on her face.

The two drove to the new Avengers Facility. "It's big" Tamara said as the drove closer and closer.

"Well it can't be small otherwise where would all the fun toys be?" He asked jokingly. "You call them toys, I call them my next target" Tamara smirked as Tony rolled his eyes.

The two split up, Tony went to check on his technology, or in his words his 'babies', and to talk to Thor and Steve. Tamara went to find her siblings along with Rhodey, Sam Wilson, and Savannah Hemming.

"Tammy!" Wanda said excitedly as the blonde crutched over. "Hey Wanda, where's Pietro?" Tamara asked as they walked over to the rest of the crew.

"Pining over Savannah again" Wanda sighed as Tamara giggled. "I still don't get it, Anna and Sam are together and she has a baby. How is he still going after her?" Wanda asked.

"I have no idea" Tamara laughed. "Tamara!" Savannah smiled wrapping the blonde in a hug. "Hey Anna, tired of my brother yet" Tamara asked as Savannah sighed.

"Little Tammy, how are you doing" Sam asked as he wrapped an arm around his girlfriend. "Well my leg hasn't stopped me yet. Where's baby Paul" Tamara asked referring to their baby.

"Believe it or not, Fury is taking care of him. I caught him smiling at Paul earlier" Savannah laughed remembering his cooing face before she left his office.

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