Mammon Angst

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"Hey! MC! Are ya in there!?" Mammon knocked on your door.
It was some ungodly hour of the night. Typically he doesn't bother you when you're asleep like this.
You called back to him, "It's open."
He came flying in, and closed and locked the door behind him. He seemed a little bit in distress and a state of panic almost. He was vulnerable, a side he rarely shows of himself, especially to you. He walked over; there was no other sound than both of your breathing and the creak of the floor as he walked over. He crawls on top of you and laid down. His head was against your chest now, and he had a tight hold around you. He seemed to calm down a little the longer he listened to your heartbeat.
"Mammon?" You whisper, a little surprised.
"Y-Ya know I'm not good with this but... just... let me stay. Just tonight."
He wasn't acting like himself, which was worrying. Other nights when he would have nightmares from those horror movies, even then he still acts like his normal self. It's almost heart aching.
After a few moments of silence, he speaks up again, "Sorry."
You begin gently playing with his hair, and you wrap your other arm around his back. His breathe hitched a little once you did that.
You giggled, "That was an interesting reaction."
"Sh-Shut up, just keep doing it."
There's a comfortable silence for a long while, just the gentle breathing and the movement of your hand. He shifts a little and gets more comfortable, still laying on top of you. Luckily, he wasn't too heavy. You've never seen him this calm, this dependent, this vulnerable before.
"Did you have a nightmare?" You speak up in a soft voice.
He grumbles a bit. "No. Only babies have nightmares. N-Nothing is bothering me. I just..."
He gave up trying to defend himself, and only held himself tighter against you.
"It's nothing. I just... had a bad memory. That's all. Or... well a few."
He clearly wanted to talk about it, but he couldn't bring himself to the question. He was messing with a part of your sleeve, and he was pretty shaky.
"You wanna talk about it?"
He quits playing with your sleeve and holds onto you again. "Yeah. Kinda."
He shuffled a bit, slightly repositioning and then settled again.
"It's just, it kinda just hit me, ya know? I never know what to say, and I can never do anything right without Lucifer getting on my case. And... And everyone always sides with him! I'm never in the right, even when I'm innocent! And.... and....."
He paused for a minute. He sounded almost on the verge of tears.
"And... I mean.... I-I'm constantly punished over and over. It h-hurts, I hate being hu-hung from the ceiling or the chande-delier... and.... when he hits me, it hurts a l-lot..."
He paused again. You held onto him tighter.
"Hell, Satan and Belphie ne-never get punished for talking back to him... why the h-hell do I always get it? They're never pun-punished or hung from the damned ceiling... what the hell, MC... I... just..."
He was trying to hide it the best as possible, but it was pretty clear he was crying. He was shaking a lot more than when he originally walked—or rather barged—in.
"Everyone... always just puts me down, ya-ya know? Am.. am I really that bad? I.. I don't know what.. what to think anymore... I'm alwa-ways ignored or belit-belittled.... I can never make anyone happy."
"Do you hate me, MC?"
He held onto you so tight when he asked that. He already convinced himself that the answer was 'yes.' His mind wouldn't let him think anything else.
"Obviously not."
"Don't lie to me. You're just like the rest, aren't ya? Always lyin' straight to my face."
He was about to get up, but you held him down.
"Mammon, listen to me. I—"
He burst up, and he was in a position that was almost like pinning you down, though he wasn't touching you. He just started crying harder.
"Just shut up! All you're gonna tell me is some stupid damn lie! Is it because I'm too stupid to figure it out?! You think I will not be able to see through your lies?! You think I'll just be content with that?! Thinking my whole time with you is good just to remember you hate me like all the rest?! MC, why do y—"
He paused, "Another lie—"
"No! Stop thinking that, Mammon! I thought I was 'your first'? 'Your human'? Mammon, you need to stop thinking so little of yourself! I can't speak for the others, but I care about you! Hell, I love you! You're so fun to be around and you've always been so nice to me! I don't hate you, and I never have! You... you mean a lot to me."
You looked up at him with a slightly pained smile. He looked back down at you with just utter disbelief.
"You tell Asmo 'I love you' like every damn day. Why should I believe—"
You cut him off; pulled his head down and kissed him. He jerked back, a little flustered. He didn't say a word.
"It's different. I love you, Mammon. Not in the same way as the rest, okay? You're my first too, so I don't wanna hear you like this. It breaks my heart seeing you this upset and thinking such little of yourself. What happened to The Great Mammon? You act like you think highly of yourself, so you should..."
"It's not as easy as it sounds. After so many thousands of years of it, you would feel how I d, too." He looked away.
"If I think you're pretty cool, you're cool, okay? Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."
He smiled a bit at that. He started to wipe his tears away and he looked back down to you. He collapsed back down to laying on you again, back again listening to your heart beat, and playing with your sleeve.
"Sorry for yellin' at ya. I uhm... I love you, too."
You resumed playing with his hair, and he once again held you tighter.
"I'll try and make the others tone it down, okay? You and I both know you don't deserve any of that from your brothers."
He sighed a little, almost like a laugh. He softly kissed the spot about your chest or near your collarbone, just where he could reach from how he was laying on you.
"I'll take your word for it."
Nothing more was exchanged. All that remained was a comfortable silence, and a protective aura surrounding you two. He has never felt more sage or comfortable with anyone before. Though, you should expect that he will now come in your room every single night. He loves it, sleeping on you and hearing your heartbeat. It's so calming. Let alone, your presence helps him forget about everything bothering him. Nothing, whether it's grimm, cars, or Goldie, is more important to him than you are.

•1207 words

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