DiaLuci Angst kinda

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Lucifer was having a pretty rough day after Simeon's directing for their school festival play, and Diavolo decided to try and cheer him up by taking him out to his favorite Cafe. While they were waiting on receiving their drinks, an idea popped into Diavolo's head.
"Luci! We should play 20 questions while we wait."
"I thought I told you not to call me that."
Diavolo chuckled a little. He knew Lucifer secretly liked the nickname.
"Nevermind that, I'll start."
Diavolo paused to think of a question.
"What is your favorite chess piece, Luci?"
Diavolo shifted his sitting position to have his head resting on his arm, propped up against the table.
"Interesting. Why is the bishop your favorite? That's quite the odd piece."
Luci smiled. "I thought it was my turn?"
"Oh just answer it!" Diavolo giggled a little.
It was rare when they would be able to have these fun, light-hearted conversations, and Diavolo loved every minute of them. He may be typically able to read people, though at times like this, he really could never tell what Lucifer was thinking. He was too distracted just looking at him. Though, Diavolo already knew what Lucifer was about to answer.
"People ignore the bishop's power, that's why. Everyone tends to always focus on the rook and the queen, never the bishop. Anytime I play with Satan, he typically does this over and over, ignoring the bishop, and he loses every time."
After he finished speaking, the waitress arrived with their tea. Lucifer took a sip before asking his question.
"What about you, Diavolo? What is your favorite chess piece?"
"The King".
Lucifer set his drink down and just looked at Diavolo with a sign of confusion.
"Why the King? You can't win with it."
"I feel as though I relate to the King in some way. He is vulnerable. He needs his allies to aid him, and every lost ally is detrimental to coming out on top. Losing your closest people makes you further and further vulnerable until you're stuck all alone, no one to go to. Every step you take could cost you your life, even with your allies around you."
Diavolo took a sip of his tea.
"People think protecting the King is the most important thing. Though, Luci, in reality, the King needs to believe in himself first. You never know who is going to disappear from your life, and if you only depend on your underlings, you might just find yourself in a tricky situation."
There was a moment of silence between the two. All you could hear was the soft chatter of the few other people within the cafe, the soft sound of the coffee maker brewing, and the dying sound of one of the light fixtures. Neither said a word for a good minute.
"You won't abandon me, right Luci?"
Lucifer took off his glove and reached across the table. He grabbed Diavolo's hand. This gesture alone meant the world to Diavolo. He suddenly smiled.
"Not in a million years, Diavolo."

•510 words

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