Levi comforts Mammon

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This was written as a vent.
Lots of self projection onto both characters.
Sorry if there is typos

The door opened, and Levi appeared, in his demon form, on the other side. The room was dark except for the light coming from the computer screen and the soft glow from the fish tank. He looked exhausted, as if he was just about to go to bed.
Levi looked at Mammon with a pitiful gaze.
"You look like a wreck, you know."
Levi let out a breath of a laugh, and Mammon had little to no reaction. He was just kinda shaking a little, and looked completely out of it.
Levi tilted his head in a sense of confusion, hoping for Mammon to say more, in which he did.
"Can I stay?"
Just those three words from him, with no further reaction. It felt completely foreign, completely out of character. Typically if he'd have asked to stay the night in a normal state, he'd be stuttering, obviously lying, his face bright red in embarrassment— that is of course if he did ask, but he never had before. Though when he said those three words, he still had that blank stare on his face, and Levi was just able to catch it in the light that he had tear stains on his cheeks.
Levi didn't say anything, he just pulled Mammon into his room and closed the door behind them. As Levi went to sit down the computer, Mammon walked over to Levi's makeshift floor bed. Levi does typically sleep in his bath tub, though this floor bed space in reality is just an old mattress to sit on while console-gaming, but it works as a bed, too. After the computer shut down, Levi walked over to the mattress and layed down beside Mammon. He was on his back and just looked over at Mammon's shaking, curled figure. It was almost awkward.
I mean, of course it would be awkward, right? Why did he have to come to Levi? The one who fights with him all the time? The one who never trusts his word and instantly scapegoats everything onto Mammon? It didn't make sense, other than that Levi's room is the closest to Mammon's. Levi continued to just gaze over at Mammon, hoping he would say something, anything, to make it less awkward. Spoiler: he didn't say a word.
There was not a sound in the room for a long while but their breathing patterns—Mammon's at an increased rate, quicker than Levi's—and the occasional filter clicking from the fish tank. Not to mention Levi's tail subconsciously flipping back and forth in an anxious matter. He didn't even realize he was in his demon form to begin with.
All of a sudden, Mammon suddenly shifts over to be laying practically on top of Levi. Levi was starting to nod of at this point, and the sudden change made him jump.
"What the hell, man."
Though naturally, Levi's big mouth always says something way too quickly. After he said it, he realized Mammon was shaking more than he was before, and he was crying, though trying to hide that part. A quiet 'dammit' let out from Levi, and he wrapped his tail around Mammon and was stroking his back and hair. What is he even doing? Is it doing anything? How the hell do you comfort someone?
Suddenly, Mammon starts talking.
"Sorry Levichan."
Of course he had to use the embarrassing nickname. Levi calls him Oniichan one time by accident and Mammon has to keep saying Levichan just to screw with him. Stupid bastard.
"Levi, I... uhm."
He couldn't really get anything out, so he gave up. He clearly wanted to say something. It was a long moment until he spoke again.
"Hair thing. Keep doing that."
Mammon snuggled closer into Levi's neck, and Levi didn't stop the 'hair thing.'
"Damn, Mammon, what's bothering you. Just spit it out."
Mammon's hold around Levi tightened. He started shaking more again.
"Ah, it's uh. Nothing. Don't worry."
Mammon sorta sighed. He knew Levi wouldn't let him be if he didn't just answer the question.
"Just a nightmare, okay? Embarrassing, I know. Are you happy?"
Levi said 'liar' once more, though this time the tone wasn't as playful as before. It made Mammon get up to where he could look at him.
"I said it was a nightmare."
"I know it wasn't."
Mammon started to tear up again. Levi knew exactly what he was doing, and he was gonna force it out of Mammon one way or another. Though, Mammon quickly gave up, a lot faster than Levi actually thought. He collapsed back onto Levi, and once he started, he couldn't stop talking.
"I had a really shit day, yaknow? Like, really bad. I already started the weekend off bad with having to go to the damn witches, just for them to tie me up and make a fool of me which the picture was naturally sent to Solomon—which that in and of itself pisses me off—so I started off broke. Then the model agency today called me in for a shoot and it was totally crossing my boundaries, and I told 'em that but they made me do it anyways. They didn't care, even though it was in the contract that they couldn't make me do that. So that didn't help. Then at dinner, you lot started to dog on me again like always and it just really set me off today. This morning was bad too, apart from the model thing, because my backs been killing me all day and I woke up miserable which didn't help. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I just... I just don't wanna be alone right now. And I did have a nightmare; I'm not a liar."
He stopped his monologue for a moment, to wipe tears off his face. He was shaking a lot more than before.
"The uh, the nightmare... it was... about the Celestial Realm. I just saw a different outcome. If... I didn't do a good job protecting everybody... and I saw everyone of you, even Lucifer, just... on the ground, motionless, an arrow through the heart. And in the nightmare, it was uh. It was my fault. I guess... in a way you guys not being here with me scares me. And I don't like the insults because I feel it's pushing me away, sorta being left behind. Like the nightmare."
Levi didn't have much to say but one thing.
"Why did you come to me? I'm the worst out of everyone. You should've gone to Satan."
Mammon got up again to look at him, and he almost looked offended.
"Because I wanted to. Do I have to have a reason to come to my little bro's room? I don't hate you, ya know."
"Yeah, but I don't even know how to comfort people. I barely know what I'm doing right now. I'm always awkward, you coulda—"
"Just shut it, Levi. I came to you because I know you wouldn't pity me, well because ya don't know how to, but just damn it I don't wanna be alone right now. Just... it's fine."
He layed back down on Levi and snuggled back into him, holding tighter than he did before.
"I know I'm an idiot who can't express his feelings. But damn, Levi, I don't wanna lose you or Lucifer or any of our brothers. I just, hate that thought. I hate it so much. I love you all so badly, it hurts, okay?"
Levi didn't respond. He just held onto Mammon tighter, and kept running his hand through Mammon's hair til he fell asleep. Levi quickly fell asleep after Mammon did.

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