Belphie fluff

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    "This is so nice. It's just what I've always wanted to see."
    You and Belphie are lying next to one another, hand in hand, out in the back yard. It's a cool evening with a soft breeze flying past your faces, chilling them a little as it went by. There was very little light other than that from the moon, and the only noises other than you two are the sound of the wind, the creaking of the dead lamp post, and the crinkling of the leaves within the wind.
    "The stars? But you see the stars every day here."
    "No, MC, take a closer look. It's a specific constellation I've always loved. It's so rare to see, at least from the Devildom that is."
   He pointed up and drew the constellation with his free hand.
    "It's within Cassiopeia. Do you see it? The heart shape?"
    As he continued to point it out, the heart shape in the stars became more and more apparent. It was a little slanted and blatantly un-proportional, though it glowed a slight reddish-pink color within the Devildom sky.
    "Oh, I see it!"
    "Right, MC? It's so pretty. It's rare for the Devildom to be able to see Cassiopeia, let alone the heart. It takes thousands of years for it to glow bright for us. The heart specifically is called Heart Nebula."
    He continued on to tell you all about Cassiopeia, Heart Nebula, and others of his favorite constellations and their meanings, yet he failed to tell you why he likes Heart Nebula so much. He goes on and on, and a smile never leaves his face the entire time. He doesn't get to talk much about the stars and the constellations, and you listening to him unconditionally makes him only want to tell you more and more. As he was talking, Heart Nebula seemed to glow almost brighter; it now grew an even bolder red color.
    "Ah! Look! Heart Nebula is even more red than it was."
    "Belphie, does that mean anything? Or is it one of those miraculous Devildom specialities?"
    He giggled a little, and he took your hand and now intertwined your fingers, rather than the gentle hold you had before. Heart Nebula grew once again brighter.
    You made a sort of gasp sound in shock, and looked over to him. He had a soft look on his face.
    "It's hard to see Cassiopeia—let alone Heart Nebula—within the planetarium. That's why I took you out here. It's rare when the constellations are better from the outside, though this is really nice. It's a perfect setting for it to be so bold."
    He looked back up at the constellation for a moment. He squeezed your hand a little tighter in his, and the cool wind chilled your faces once again. Both of your noses, cheeks, and ears were tinted a slight red color from the cold.
    "Do you want to know what Heart Nebula symbolizes? It symbolizes love—more specifically cosmic love. It's like that our heart and soul will always be connected no matter where we are under the sky."
    He looked over at you once again, and he had such a gentle smile on his chilled face.
    "Remember how I told you to not get me a birthday gift? How I only wanted to spend the evening with you alone? Well, I lied a little."
    He turned to his side now, and pulled you up with him.
    "I love you, and the best birthday gift you could ever give me is your love and company for eternity. No matter where you are, I know you'll be here with me in spirit. It's good luck to confess under Heart Nebula—or I at least think it is."
    He looked so happy telling you this. He moved his free hand gently up from your waist to you cheek, and pulled you in, where you're now touching foreheads. His voice grew quieter.
    "I really, really do love you, MC. I know we had an issue in the past, and I do hope you forgive me for that, but I've grown to really love your company. I feel bored when you're not around, and you give me the energy—or well.... I don't know how to phrase it. It's like how Beel said he isn't really hungry around you—I'm not too tired around you. You make me really happy, and the only thing that could make me happier is if you're all mine."
There was a lot of tension between you two, but it quickly changed as you turned the forehead press into a kiss. He quickly took control of the kiss, and rather from laying on your sides, he turns you on your back and he is above you. He moves the hand that was on your cheek to now rest through your hair as his elbow lies on the ground for support, and the other hand that was once intertwined with yours moves down to your waist. He breaks the kiss soon after it began.
"Is that a yes?"
He giggles with once again a soft smile. There was a pure, relaxed, happy aura, something that you typically don't get within the House of Lamentation because of the rowdiness. But, this one evening, it was so calm, so quiet.
He leans down to kiss your neck, and he moves back up again to look at you.
"Happy Birthday, Belphie."
"You're the best gift I could've ever received."

•918 words

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