Purpled builds a grave and makes an omelette

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TW; minor mentions of self harm and depictions of murder/death. bolded hyphens will be placed before and after so feel free to skip over if you feel the need! The first pair is a mention of self harm the second is murder/death. Stay safe❤️

Purpled would say he wasn't close to Tommy and it was true but that doesn't mean that he isn't sad about Tommy's death. They'd been rivals since they both joined the server, but just cause they were rivals didn't mean that they didn't see each other as friends.

Purpled shifted further into his oversized hoodie as he walked towards L'Manberg, Tommy's symphony, incomplete but nonetheless forever finished. He walked past the hotel that Tommy had built as a way to help people who's houses were destroyed along with L'Manberg. He swallows harshly as he sees the green and gold robot standing unmoving in the lobby forever waiting for Tommy. He pulls the hood of his hoodie up to cover his head as he walks through the dirt archway to look down at L'Manberg. Red vines wrap tightly around the path and Purpled steps over them as he stares down at the ruins of L'Manberg covered in a thin layer of glass.

Walking down the hundreds of steps he can finally see the bedrock at the bottom of the ruins. The bottom is covered in thick red vines that wrap around the old L'Manberg flag. Taking out his shovel he harshly shoves it into the ground beside the edge of the glass. Dropping down into the pit he begins to clear out the red vines if he wants to grieve properly he'll need to do this right that means not having crimson red vines in the way.

He makes a small shrine to Tommy a coffin carved out of oak sits at the bottom, nothings in it, Dream had pushed the corpse into the lava before Sam could retrieve it. Covering the coffin with dirt he sets a cobblestone block down and sits down by the grave painfully carving each letter into an oak sign. Beside the cobblestone block he places a chest and fills it with books and quills. On the other side is a lecturn, on the lecturn is a book detailing Tommy during the earliest days of the server. He can't write what Tommy was like during the revolution or the rebellion or exile but he can write down in as much detail as possible how his friend was in the beginning.

Purpled slowly builds up a small building surrounding Tommy's grave, in the oak wood surrounding it he carves the music staff for mellohi and cat. It's only natural to think that Tommy would want to keep his discs, his most prized possession from being forgotten the carvings would ensure that they never would. The flag of L'Manberg flys in the wind above the grave he made for Tommy. The others don't need to know that he made the grave all they need to know is that he has one. Pulling himself out of the crater he begins walking back to his house, too cold and dark to be considered a home. Walking through the SMP feels off with Tommy not here.

He almost walks past Puffy before he hears his name called out by the woman.

"Purpled, I've been meaning to ask you how you've been doing," The first thing he noticed about her is how worried she sounds. It could be because he looks sad or because he's covered in wood chips and dirt.

"I've visited his grave in the L'Manberg ruins,"

"He has a grave?" She looks surprised he has one like she didn't expect anyone to make sure he's properly buried.

"Yeah, it's underneath the L'Manberg flag in the crater"

"that's good, you're doing much better than some others, some had a party to celebrate his death,"

"who?" Purpled feels himself get angrier and tries desperately to punch down his anger.


"The Eggpire" his anger explodes, how dare they, Purpled may be an assassin who takes lives on the daily but he doesn't laugh as he takes them. The small tally marks scratched into his arms and the large book of names is proof of that.


"it was good talking to you Puffy, I have to go home now though, I forgot to feed dog champ earlier today so he must be getting hungry," he lies through his teeth.

"alright, if you need me just know I'll be at Tommy's grave." Purpled nods and then walks past puffy. His anger is bubbling over and he needs to stop it before he hurts someone. Usually he'd play bedwars to calm down but Hypixel closed the bedwars lobby to set new maps into rotation the process of which will take a week.

Pulling on his armor he grabs his sword, he's an assassin for a reason, he gets in and gets out he's not a mercenary like his adopted brother who is payed to fight in wars, he's in a league of his own a silent and deadly killer. It helps that he's an enderman hybrid appearing and disappearing is in his blood.

How dare someone celebrate his friend's death. He knows that this is a violation of his contract as he was hired by them but he can just say that he was paid more. Teleporting into the spider spawner room he walked silently through the halls down into the egg room. Red vines cover the room almost completely, Purpled cringes at the party music coming from the room.


Surrounding the egg is Bad, Antfrost, and his adoptive brother Punz. Purpled unsheathes his sword and teleports behind Bad. It's quick but not painless, a suitable death, he cuts Bad's throat and throws him to the ground before turning to Antfrost and grabbing his tail and pulling him closer. Cutting his throat is harder since he knows that there's an attacker but Purpled has the element of surprise, he dies just like Bad. He turns to Punz, he's the most angry at Punz how dare he celebrate a child's death. He doesn't regret the blood on his hands when he finally lands the finishing blow.


Knowing that his intent to kill will cause a canon death he doesn't have to worry about their respawning for another 24 hours. He pulls out his hoe similarly to earlier he breaks a part of the egg. It hurts, it feels like being stabbed. Purpled has always been an inquisitive person so when he gets hurt from the egg he begins to get rid of all vines attached to the egg, and finally instead of breaking it he covers it in water, if it has some sort of fire like aspect than it won't be able to do anything with water. Splashing into the water he stands in water up to his knee and begins to tear apart the egg. It still hurts but with the help of the water and the gapples he's chewing on at almost all times while destroying the egg it hurts a lot less. By the time purpled has destroyed all of the egg his hands are blistered and sore. He's tired, he's worked all day not only on the grave but also the destruction of the egg, but the eggpire will begin to respawn in less than a day so he has work to do.

For celebrating a child's death he as judge, jury, and executioner he has decided the punishment. He plans to destroy every trace of the egg he can find. His hands are blistered and bleeding by the time he's done not only clearing out the rest of the egg room of vines but also the SMP in general.

Walking back to the ruins of L'Manberg he slipped under the glass and falls down to Tommy's shrine. A new book was written in the chest probably from puffy based on the loopy handwriting and a red flower was planted outside the small building. Sitting down he set down his tools and armor back against the chest. He was tired and he knew it was bad luck to sleep next to a grave but nonetheless he closed his eyes.

He missed back when Tommy used to tease him until he broke and they sparred endlessly. He'd take a break from the server when bedwars opens back up but until then he'll protect what remains of Tommy, his memory and legacy, alive no matter the cost even if it means killing those who celebrate his demise.

A/N HEY HOMIES IM BACK!! Btw this is so horribly not edited in the slightest so if you see a grammatical error or a spelling mistakes please comment so I can fix it. If I made a discord how many of you would join, specially a discord to help flesh out ideas for fanfic (fair warning I might talk about ideas I had/have for fics I'm working on or going to work on)? I'm still working on Betrayal of A Nation don't worry I'm hoping to get at least one chapter if not two out before the end of the month.

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