Chapter 21

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Naomi looked over her face in the girls' bathroom mirror for any major traces of tears before she headed out into the empty halls. Something she'd been doing for four days now. Four days since she'd spoken to Darryl or Miles. The day was almost over and all she could think about was the last couple of days. After a long thought, she finally apologized to Miles for her insensitivity and her cold attitude--to which he accepted--but didn't do him any good. He still hounded for the three words that Naomi could never tell him and he refused to give her the light of day. And when she wasn't dealing with Miles she was worried about Darryl. He hadn't shown up to school since the week started and when she couldn't take the silence anymore she mustered up her confidence and went to his house Monday after school, but he wouldn't even open the door. Instead, he told her to go home and that he didn't want her there.

"I can't wait to fail this kid!" 

Naomi refocused her attention to where she was. She was nearing the social studies department office and recognized the voice of her history teacher, Mr. Raves, along with some laughter of other faculty. She crept to the door, keeping out of sight, to listen.

"Who's the kid?" asked a female voice.

"Darryl Adams. I can't tell you guys how much I been waiting to fail him. The kid's a real smartass. He thinks he can pass a few tests and still cut my class and pass this semester! And this kid is down-right disrespectful. I think this guy cheats on his tests, I can't prove it, but come on! Hundreds on almost every test and quiz but can't do one homework!"

A deep throaty laugh escaped from another male, "Sounds like a real genius." he commented sarcastically. "Geez, Mark. You know, I love it when kids like him just make it so easy for us to fail them."

Mr. Raves laughed. "He hasn't even showed up this week--four days in a row he's been out. He doesn't care about his grades, why should I? I just can't wait to get a good laugh from the fake doctor's note I know he'll give me when he decides to come back."

"There's only tomorrow and Friday left. Don't count on him coming back." the female scoffed.

"Great! That makes it even easier for me." replied Raves. They began to erupt in a chorus of laughter and that's when something snapped in Naomi. She pushed through the office door with a cold hard glare at the three teachers seated around a maroon, circular table that stared up startled at her appearance.

"Oh, hello Ms. Marks. Well guys, this is what a bright student--" Mr. Raves began.

"With all due respect, sir," Naomi interrupted in a tone unlike her own. He furrowed his brows. "You don't know what you're talking about and I think you are a pitiful person for saying what you said. All of you are." She turned her glare to the other two who shied away into their chairs with their faces bright red.

"Ms. Marks--" Mr. Raves said as he unfolded in lanky figure from his chair.

"You're lucky that I don't have the energy to go report you to the dean or Mr. Lodico! But in the end we all know it will be your word against mine. You should be ashamed of yourself for saying what you said. Darryl Adams is not the boy you described. Did you know that he lost his mother two years ago and his father just four nights ago?" She watched as his face fell in remorse and disbelief as he shook his head. "Darryl has had to deal with a lot since his mother died and one of them was keeping his broken family together. He wanted to be here, in school, but he couldn't! His anger toward you, or anyone for that matter, is a cry for help. He still hasn't coped with his mother's death and now he has to deal with this alone. He needs someone to talk to, not someone to judge him." Naomi paused as a tear ran down her cheek. "And as for his grades in your class. Those are his. No one else's. He earned them as honestly as I have. If there's a subject he's good at, it's history. And you know something else, the only reason why my grades are looking better these days--the reason I'm so 'bright'--is because he's been helping me study and do my homework as well as doing his own. You have no idea how much effort he has made to try and pass all his classes to move onto his senior year." she said as she remembered that the only reason he joined the committee was to make up for lost time. "So, if after all of this--what I just told you--you find yourself failing him or even me, fine. So be it. But just know that as Darryl's friend and as your student I have lost respect for you today." And with that Naomi headed down back down the hallway towards the bathroom to dry her eyes once more.

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