Chapter 10

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Alright, now I'm pissed, Darryl huffed the next morning, stalking through the busty hallways. And it had almost everything to do with Naomi. Not only had she refused to show up last night, for what he thought was a positive thing, but his dad was giving him a hard time---breaking numerous plates and glass bottles---leaving him to clean up the mess most of the night. He just wanted a break and Naomi was being selfish for holding out on  him. Just like the bitch she is, unreliable whore, he loathed shoving past anyone in his way.

His mood contradicted with everyone else's and most likely it had to do with the weather. Unlike the day before, the sun was shining bright, and the air smelled fresh and crisp, almost as if there was never any chilly afternoons or monstrous thunderstorms the past week. Everyone was in bright colors, where girls swapped their heavy sweatpants and  Uggs for short-shorts and flip-flops and the guys decked out in their cargo shorts and fresh new sneakers instead of long-johns and Timberlands. It was one of those days Darryl would have enjoyed. 

He cruised through the halls, finding his way to Stairwell A, where he and the guys would meet up for their morning fix. 

"Aye, man!!!" Drake slurred in greeting, already in an intoxicated state. He pulled himself up from his seat of the maroon-colored step to perform a complicated handshake that was hard to follow with the average eye. 

"Wassup?" Darryl asked half-heartedly as he slumped down on the step along with them, only fixated on the moment when the joint would be passed on to him. 

"Chillin' boy!" Jayden puffed, passing it to Amir. 

"The fuck were you last night?" Amir asked,  prolonging his turn as he puffed slowly. Darryl was near punching his face in. 

"At your mom's." he replied tartly, before he quickly snatched the fresh roll from his fingers. It was just what he needed, just what would blow off some of his anger---for now, at least. 

"Damn, boy. Chill." Jayden snorted sarcastically, just as it was his turn again.

"Damn, Tameeka ain't doin' it right?" Amir added jokingly. 

"Shut the fuck up." Darryl spat. His mood wasn't shifting as well as he thought it would. "My pop's been at my neck since last night. Shit was pissin' me off." Darryl explained, but chose to leave it brief. The guys wouldn't understand what was going on with him, and he had a feeling that they wouldn't care. The guys were cool to hang with, but together they were more like acquainted strangers than anything else.

"Sounds, tough man, " Drake replied trying to stifle a laugh. Darryl rolled his eyes, as he looked at his watch noting that they only had a few more minutes until the first bell rang. Better make this count, he thought as he reached for the joint.


Naomi sighed as she looked over the note----along with all the chocolates and teddy bears----she had found in her locker. Even though it was only a few words, she stared at it blankly as if it were the world's greatest word problem. 

Sorry that I'm such an idiot.

-Miles D.

She had started off her day in good spirits, hoping to avoid Miles and Darryl all together. Even the weather fueled her good mood, dressing in mind of the spring-like heat. She was almost giddy with spring fever as she dressed in a green and pink, floral sundress that scooped in a V at the neck, showing off a modest amount of cleavage and reached mid-thigh showing off a great amount of smooth and lean legs. She threw on a pair of sequined flats and headed off to school with a clear head, forgetting----almost----her troubles with Miles, until she opened her locker and was paraded with notes on fancy stationery, a zoo of stuffed animals and boxes upon boxes of chocolates. 

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