Chapter 6

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Naomi practically tore off her locker door from it's hinges in anger. It was just after the last bell of the day and all the other kids were hustling around her towards their lockers, eager to get out, and Naomi was no different. When Darryl's offer sunk in-after her initial shock-her blood boiled. If Darryl thinks I'll be another conquest of his, he's got the wrong bitch to fuck with, she thought as she threw her books in. Not only that, but kids were starting to stare and point at her as if she grew a third eye. She sighed loudly to herself as she pulled out her necessary books and shrugged her denim jacket over her shoulders. I guess the only thing that can make this day suck even more was if I saw- 

"Miles." she blankly stated, finishing her thought out loud as her eyes met his, after shutting her locker.  

"Hey, beautiful." he complimented sheepishly. 

"Oh, that's cute." Naomi snorted moving past him, not getting too far before his strong grip enveloped her forearms, pulling her closer to him. "Naomi, I owe you an apology." he began, his voice thick with apology. "I honestly didn't know what to expect when she called me over." he explained. 

She snorted again, this time crossing her arms over her chest, glaring at him. "You think I'm naïve, don't you?" she spat, continuing on ignoring his baffled expression. "It was Tameeka Bishop for crying out loud! What else reason would she call you over?"  

"She told me that she wanted me to see something." he countered, his voice growing a bit edgier.  

"Yea, in more ways than one, I bet, she showed you something." she said, before adding, "I mean, Miles, it was your house. What the hell have you not seen in your own home?" 

"Look, I just came to apologize. I didn't ask to be analyzed, alright. We're not even together and it seems you found someone else to fill in the void while I was gone, didn't you?" he interjected as he cocked his head to the side and studied her expression. Not you, too! She thought as released the tension in her balled fists, that she didn't even know she was holding, but before she could reply, he continued on. 

"I gotta admit, though, I'm sort of shocked," he commented as he got comfortable and leaned against the wall of lockers, rolling the sleeves of his navy blue collared shirt to his elbows, and legs crossed at the ankles. "You're known by the entire school as the prissy, stuck-up, goody-two-shoes," he paused to laughed as if he made a funny joke, but Naomi's frown remained etched on her face. "I mean...C'mon that wasn't you, right? At first I thought they were talking about the wrong girl until like five people told me. And plus, with that Darryl really are not what I'd thought you'd be." 

"Miles..." Naomi began, trying to hold back the scornful words playing in her mind, but it wouldn't have made a difference if anyone heard, taking notice that there was practically no one left in the hallway except them. "You can go fuck yourself. Better yet, let Tameeka do that. Like you said, we're not together so it's none of your business as to who I slept with the same night you slept with the school whore." she spat as she stormed off toward the main exit, leaving him behind in yet another baffled expression. Don't be quite amazed with me yet, Miles, she thought, you haven't seen nothing yet. 


"So, how'd you get her to fuck you, anyway?" asked Drake, in half interest, sweating profusely-even through the thick cold air outside, as he dribbled the basketball-faking left past Darryl and aiming for the hoop before Darryl blocked him and stole his shot. "I dunno, she was drunk. It wasn't that much work." shrugged Darryl, too into the game to provide a thorough answer. After the kiss he'd decided on cutting the last two classes of school to play some ball with the guys at the school's courtyard. And just as everyone did today, his friends hounded him, too, about Friday night. He whisked off his shirt-clearing his drenched forehead with it-as the the cold, crisp air cooled his sweat-glistened body. 

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