Chapter 8

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You know there's something wrong if a crowd of random guys are at your locker, Naomi thought suspiciously as she approached her locker. Today was one of those bad, rainy days in the city, the ones where Naomi just rather stay home from school—especially on April Fools' Day—and cuddle in her pj's and sheets on her couch watching romantic comedies, but she had a test in American history today so she had to habituate herself and drag herself to school. 

"Umm, excuse me!" she snapped, "But can you guys disperse?!" she huffed, pushing her way threw the smirking caucus of boys. "What are you guys looking at anyway?" she asked, but she didn't need an answer, the answer was right there in bright pink—it was her panties, the ones she wore when she went over to Darryl's. Her cheeks flushed as tears started to well in her eyes.

The asshole somehow managed to tie the underwear onto her Masterlock. There was a post-it note attached reading: April Fools. P.S. Are you gonna make it a habit leaving things behind? She heard the murmurs in the crowd, some were mostly praising the prank. Great. Another bad daytwo in a rowall thanks to Darryl Adams, she thought as a tear fell onto her cheek.

"Alright, alright guys. I understand that this is the closest you've ever been to seeing female underwear, but the fun's over." said a familiar voice over the crowd of boys, a voice Naomi was too grateful to hear.

Cayden Cortings emerged towards her with an apologetic smile as the pool of eager freshmen-looking boys scattered in different directions. Even though she and Cayden barely saw each other much—he being a senior and taking college courses mostly out of school—she still saw him as the kid who acted as her older brother. 

"Are you alright, Nay?" he asked as he scooped her into his arms for a tenacious hug. "Yea, I guess." she answered, feeling slightly better in the warmth of his embrace. "I should probably take this off before it becomes any more of an exhibit at a museum." she said moving from his arms to maneuver the tight knot that was wounded around her Masterlock. She struggled with the skimpy fabric, wondering to herself what did they made underwear out of nowadays.

"I hate this day." he commented as he simply tore off the undergarment and handed it to her. 


"Who would've done this?" he asked skeptically, looking around him as if the perpetrator was still around.

"Nah-uh. You'll probably want to start something that will most likely blemish your oh-so-perfect record." she teased as she stuck out her tongue playfully. He gave a light chuckle as she opened her locker as she quickly stuffed the torn underwear and the attached note away. 

"Wait those are yours?" Cayden asked, trying to reach into the locker, until he was intercepted abruptly by her hand.

"Yea, they are." she muttered shyly and defeated, feeling ashamed. 

"Are they used?" his cool blue eyes in anticipation of an answer. Her eyes widened and her cheeks began to flare up, she couldn't bring herself to look him in the face, even though she knew well that he was staring at her in confusion. Well I rather it be in confusion than in disgust. 

She swallowed as she looked up at him, waiting for an explanation, one that she certainly couldn't give. She sighed, "It's a long story," she said flatly, "but I have so much to tell you!" she said trying to lighten the mood. He cocked his head, studying her facade with concern marked on his face, but he easily shrugged it off and smiled back, "Yea, it'll be great to catch up. I'll be at lunch today, so join me at my table."

"Alright...but how weird is it that you're going to be a big brother soon?" she asked as she closed her locker, clutching her books, as they began their trek towards her Spanish class.

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