5: Going to Church

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2 weeks have pasted since Noah visited, nothing worth mentioning during those weeks except I started with my education at the library. My teachers are Ms.Quinta for history, Mr.Vincent for math, Mrs.Hillary for English.

June 12, 109 that's the date today.But I've been woken up more early then usually at 7:00. Not 8:00. And Fadima is less timid, she started to speak louder when we're alone.

"What is it?" I ask sleepily while Fadima looks for clothes in my wardrobe " Today is a very special day! You will go to the Church!" Fadima explains finally finding a pair of clothes she likes and places on my bed "Oh, Church..... I'm going back to sleep." I said while cover my whole body with my bedsheets.

"Oh, no your not!" She pulls the covers away grabs me by my armpits and makes me stand in front of her. Fadima takes off my pyjamas and grabs the clothes on my bed and put it on me.

Sometimes I look at my body and wonder how this little kids body is mine. After I am mentally an adult.

I go to my drawer on my left and pick up the wet towel in the bowl of water, to wipe my face. After that Fadima says to me "Well, let's go." We walk out of my room and walk the entrance of the mansion, I live in the west side of the mansion while my parents and siblings live on the east.

When me and Fadima arrived there my parent and second brother is waiting. "What took you so long? Mother and father are already tired from standing, hurry up!" Said my second brother Peter, who was 10 years old.

I rolled my eyes putting my head down, that's not my fault that your legs get tired easily.

I've heard that he was incredibly smart and has great manners. But for some reason he's rude to me, I don't know why.

"I'm sorry about my tardiness, second master." Apologize Fadima bowing down, I walk over to my family and look up to my brother without any emotion. " I apologize." I say and we walk out of the mansion with 4 knight.

When we arrived at the carriage, my father who never speaks to me says "Don't be an embarrassment to the Kilorea family." I mean what I was expecting.

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