Chapter 3

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A tall brunette weaves his way down a dark alley, stopping occasionally to beckon behind him to a black-haired male of about the same height. The two dart down the street, avoiding patches of moonlight as they move silently. No sounds can be heard other than the soft patter of bare feet on concrete and the crickets chirping into the night.

The two boys stop after a couple of minutes, quietly panting into the cool air. "Tae," The brunette whispers, the volume of his voice barely above a breath. "Tae are we far enough-" he continues, stopping short when his black-haired accomplice puts a finger up, ears perked as he listens to the air around them. They stay silent for a few more minutes, barely even breathing as to not alert whoever, or whatever, they're running from.

The man named Tae shakes his head after a while, motioning with his head to have the ravenette follow him down another dull street. They continue at a brisk walk, putting even more distance between them and where they started. The pair doesn't stop for several miles; they come to a halt in front of a small cafe. "Jungkook, in here," Tae mutters, darting into the quaint building with a glance over his shoulder. The man named Jungkook follows soon after, looking around warily before stepping inside.

The inside of the cafe is dimly lit, wood and brick peeking out in places where the wallpaper has been torn off. There are several green plants littered around the shop and vines coiling across the walls. It's cute, to say the least, and Jungkook can feel his shoulders relax slightly as he spots an older lady walking toward them from behind the wooden counter.

"Hello, boys, how might I help you? You look awfully roughed up. I have a first aid kit in the back room if that would help."

And the lady isn't wrong- the two males are more than roughed up. Jungkook has scratches along his arm and bruises all across his body- not just small scratches, but slightly bloody ones that rake from his shoulder down to his wrist. They're deep too, and he has several white scars littered among them. His face and eyes are hollow-looking, eyebags large and purple against his pasty white skin. He's limping, favoring his right leg, and his clothes are dirty and torn in places, his feet bare and filthsome.

Tae isn't much better; he's sporting a black eye and clutching at his stomach, a small red patch seeping through his dirty white t-shirt, feet also void of shoes and in need of a good clean.

Tae and Jungkook nod eagerly, quietly thanking the older woman for her hospitality. They're lucky to have stumbled into the kind lady's shop; lucky to even be in the situation they are in right now. Jungkook takes a moment to breathe in the fresh air and walk around the cafe, elated at his freedom. He gives a breathy laugh into the quiet building, eyes locking on Tae's from across the room as both of their lips curve up in a small smile of hope and disbelief.

Tae jumps up and down a couple of times, stretches his body just because he can (being mindful of his bruises), and walks toward Jungkook. He wraps the younger in a hug, (being mindful of his injuries as well) and tucks the brunette's head into his neck. They made it. Even if it's not ideal and there's still a long journey in front of them, they made it.

Jungkook pats Tae's back, giving him a gentle squeeze before backing away from the embrace. Neither of them wants to stay in physical contact for long, both still very shaken up from what they just escaped.

The woman comes back with her first aid kit, three cups of tea, and some new t-shirts with the cafe logo printed on the back. She sets the items down on one of the tables, walking to the front door and closing it and turning the open sign to closed. She then approaches the table and sits down, gesturing for the two boys to do the same. They hesitate only slightly, glancing at each other and discussing through their eyes before following her outstretched hand.

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