Chapter 15

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Jungkook yawns as he sits up on his makeshift bed, stretching his arms and legs and cracking his back as his sleep-filled eyes blink into the morning light. He takes in the darker sky that's steadily getting bluer, listens to the birds chirping into the early morning air, and feels the slight breeze brush across his face, occasionally ruffling his hair. Things aren't that bad, he thinks. It's almost as if the morning is welcoming him to the world of the awake, sending him a collective 'good morning'.

Jungkook looks over at where Taehyung is still sleeping, deciding that he'll let his hyung rest. They deserve it, and a few more minutes of sleep can't hurt. The blonde sits up, walking over to the little stump they use as a chair, table, workbench, and anything else they might need, sitting down to admire the morning. They've now spent three days in their little hideout at the park, and it's finally their last day here. Jungkook will miss this place, but he knows that they have to keep moving.

The pair probably won't find another place like this again, and if they do it'll be the luckiest moment of their lives. The tree canopy overhead provides the perfect amount of shade, and the hedges surrounding the area offer privacy and protection from passersby. The whole space in general is something of a haven to Jungkook, and he appreciates their luck in finding this area in the first place.

He hopes they at least find somewhere halfway decent to stay next, maybe a deserted alley next to a restaurant so they can get the food that they throw out without having to walk around town a lot. Somewhere with some kind of protection from people who might look at the area; maybe some boxes to stack up in some kind of wall? Or some trash barrels to hide behind? Jungkook isn't sure, but he hopes that they find something.

Not only do they have to worry about finding another place to stay, but they need to get off the island as well. Jungkook knows they can't stay on Jeju forever; it's too small of an island for their pursuers to never find them. They need to get to Yeosu or Mokpo or some other city on the coast. From there, they can get to a busier city and somehow find enough money for a plane out of Korea. He knows Taehyung was hoping to get a plane to an English-speaking country, but Jungkook knows that those are a while away from Korea. The flights would be more expensive, and he's not sure they'll be able to get that much money.

Jungkook is pulled out of his thoughts as he hears Taehyung move, the other blonde boy waking up and yawning. Tae had decided to save the red dye for later use, a move deemed a good idea by the both of them as to hopefully trip up any pursuers from the JIPPC that might be following them. It might not be much, but it's pretty much all they have at the moment.

"'Morning Kook," Taehyung mutters, voice low after just waking up. He yawns and tousles his hair, stretching his arms up above him. "Today's the day, huh? I'm gonna miss this little haven, that's for sure."

Jungkook nods in agreement, watching as his friend rises out of his makeshift bed and walks over to him with another yawn. "Don't worry, we still have all day. We'll leave tonight just after ten p.m. Speaking of leaving, it's about time we came up with a plan. I have a few ideas and I'm sure you do too, so once I fully wake up let's get to work. We can't waste any more time, and it's probably best if we make our plans when we're in as safe of a location as this one."

Jungkook nods again, finding nothing to disagree with. The pair really do need to come up with some form of an idea to move forward. They can't stay on the run forever, and they're not ignorant enough to think that no one will or is coming after them. If Jungkook has to decide, he bets that someone is already looking for them.

He and Tae didn't expect to escape with no consequences, and therefore are anticipating having to run not only from their past, but so their past doesn't catch up with them again. It's no easy feat, and they both know that. But, despite the debatably more dangerous and costly risks they face since escaping the company, the pair have already made their minds up, wills unphased and strong; they will not allow themselves to be captured and forced to work at the JIPPC again, even if it costs them their lives. Death would be better than that hell-hole.

Jungkook has made up his mind, and he's completely sure that Taehyung has done the same. His resolve is only strengthened when Tae pulls out a pad of paper and a pencil from their duffle bag, yet another set of small, overlooked treasures the pair found while dumpster diving. The small notebook was only half used, so all they had to do was rip out the written-on papers and start fresh.

Taehyung sits down on the grass in front of the tree stump, motioning for Jungkook to do the same. Both males situate themselves on the ground before the older of the two place the notepad onto the slab of wood and roots, twirling the half-broken pencil in his hand.

"All right," he starts. "We obviously can't stay here forever, so we have to keep on the move. This was a super lucky spot to find, but unfortunately I doubt we can find a place anywhere near as great as this one."

The other blonde male sighs, disliking how those words sound aloud. It makes their situation seem more real, and it feels like a kick to his stomach. They really won't find a better place, and it really is time to leave. He wishes he had enjoyed this spot more than he had, and had appreciated its sanctuary more.

"First off, we need to get off of this island. I was thinking we'd take the ferry over to the mainland, maybe land in some coastal city. Does that sound good?" Taehyung asks.

"Yup, sounds good to me, but ferries cost money. That happens to be among the many things that we don't have much of right now. How the fuck are we gonna pay for that?"

Taehyung chuckles, eyes lighting up a bit. "Today is June twenty-nine. Ferries from the coast to Busan cost about 100,000 won right about now." Jungkook's eyes widen at the large price, money that they very obviously don't own. "But," Taehyung continues, holding up a finger in the air. "Prices lower in July. We can get tickets for about 85,000 each. That gives us about a week to gather the money we need, and then we head out for Busan. It'll be a long trip, but it's one of the cheapest ones I could find- trust me, I looked long and hard for the best deal the other night at the library. The librarian almost kicked me out 'cuz I'd been there for a long ass time- said I was a computer hogger, tsk. I told her she was just jealous that I actually know how to use a computer, what with her being a walking fossil at this point."

This got Jungkook to laugh, not doubting for a second that his friend had actually said that to the old librarian. Both boys are thankful for the break in tension, glad they're able to laugh together despite all they've been through and the obscene amount of pressure and stress placed on their shoulders right now.

"Hey, Hyung, how are we gonna get all that money for the ferry?" Jungkook questions as their laughter dies down. "Same thing we've done since we started this shit show. Pick-pocketing is easier when there are a lot of unsuspecting tourists around. You know, to be honest, I don't feel as bad taking money from tourists. They very obviously spent a lot of money coming here, which means they have more than enough to spare on us. If they have enough money to buy two ugly 'I ♡ Jeju' t-shirts for them and their dog, they have enough money to help get us to Busan."

"Trust me on this one, Jungkook," Taehyung adds when he sees the look of doubt on the younger's face. Tae knows how empathetic Jungkook can be- how his moral compass points North no matter the situation. It's both Jungkook's strength and weakness, but right now it's serving as more of a hindrance. Sometimes, Taehyung has come to realize, you just need to put yourself and your survival first and ignore the consequences of your actions and what they do to other people. Sometimes, you have to save yourself instead of the world.

Tae sighs as he stands up and dusts his hands off on the too-big, worn shorts he pulled out of a dumpster. This is one of those few times they need to ignore everyone else and focus on them, the older male thinks, and he's going to get them out of Jeju, for Jungkook's sake. Out of Korea. Out of harm's way.

Even if it costs him an arm and a leg to do so.

Author's note: I haven't updated anything in a HOT MINUTE. Sorry y'all :') I'm trying to write more chapters before I post that way I can just dump out the whole story, but school work is a bitch and I'm currently drowning in homework *sobs* I'm not dead yet though, so the book will continue (hopefully) and I'll write more chapters and get more stuff out (if I can). Love y'all though <3
          - Liz

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