Chapter 6

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Jungkook looks over his shoulder at Taehyung as the ravenette calls his name. Tae beckons Jungkook toward him, pointing to a large convenience store once the younger reaches him. "We gotta change our hair and shit. Can't have anyone spotting us too easily," Taehyung mutters as he and Jungkook trudge toward the store.

They left Yong's cafe early this morning, around 3 or 4 am. Jungkook didn't want to leave the safe haven, but he knew it was for the best. They can't settle down any time soon; they need to stay on the move. They both know that everyone here is their enemy. Even if Yong seemed like a good person, she could give their names and descriptions to the police, who then would either send out a warning to stay on the lookout for them, alerting the person they're running from, or would find the two males themselves, which also wouldn't end well.

It's not that they'd done anything illegal. Well, in a way, they had. And that was the problem. The police wouldn't see their situation as something to have pity on; they'd see it as a crime, and punish them accordingly.

To sum it up, porn is illegal in Korea. There are ways to smuggle videos and pictures in, but they cost a lot of money and can ruin people's lives if they were to fall into the authority's hands. Jungkook and Taehyung did not choose the lives of pornstars, yet here they are nonetheless.

They were both kidnapped a few months back, taken against their will and shipped to Jeju Island.

Like, literally shipped, in the storage area of ships and airplanes, like objects.

Which, in a way, they were. Not to each other, but to the majority of the people at the Jeju Island Porn and Prostitution Company. Each day there would be two or three clients that lined up to essentially rape the 'employees' at the company. It was ghastly and inhumane; nothing like Jungkook imagined sex to be like since he learned what it was in his fourth-grade sex-ed class.

The men (and women) that paid to use the 'employees' were anything but kind- they scratched and slapped and mangled the kidnapees, making their lives a living hell. Jungkook (as well as Taehyung) was lucky enough to be saved for higher-paying customers, as he was considered one of the more handsome workers there.

This doesn't mean he had an easy couple months there, though- even though his time at the JIPPC was short, it was definitely not sweet. The head of the company never let customers beat Jungkook up too much, as he needed to preserve his aura of an unblemished beauty.

Jungkook gags at the thought, shaking his head to come out of his memories. He focuses on Tae in front of him, making all other thoughts leave his mind. "I've got Tae and we're gonna get out of here," he whispers to himself, breathing deeply and taking in his freedom.

They soon reach the hair section of the store, coming to a stop in front of all the dyes. "We gotta pick something that's not going to stand out completely, but will change our appearance," Taehyung says, looking to Jungkook and offering a tight smile. "You always said you wanted to change your hair color when we were in that... place," he continues, cuffing Jungkook lightly on the shoulder.

The touch doesn't scare Jungkook; Taehyung is like the big brother he never had, and he trusts the ravenette completely. He's always been kind to the younger, and if it wasn't for Tae, Jungkook wouldn't have the freedom he has right now. For that, the brunette will always be grateful.

Jungkook smiles back, laughing as Tae holds up a bright red to his face. "I've always wanted to be a redhead!" he exclaims, eyes lighting up as he talks about all the colors he wants to try one day. "You know, before the company got me I would try out so many different colors. My hair was blue once. Oh, and pink. ...And then one time it was half-blue-half-pink-" Tae continues. The younger's grin grows as he watches Taehyung's eyes dance and sparkle.

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