Chapter 5

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Jimin sits back in his chair, propping his feet up on the desk as he takes in the information scrawled across the files. It just doesn't make sense to him; why would the pair of targets live a quiet, simple life and then suddenly act up out of nowhere?

Jimin sits back up, shuffling through the files before finding the paper he needs. He pulls out a page titled 'Client Information', eyes scanning it as his mind whirrs in thought. The sheet says that the kill request was made by a Cho Gi, who claims to be a thirty-four-year-old plumber at the KTIACS. He overheard the two talking about their plan in the break room, and called the KOABH as soon as he got home to pay for the pair's disposal.

Now, Jimin has had several assignments in his seven years working at Namjoon's company. He's no rookie, and he's read more than a few reports made by their clients. They're usually very well-written and come from someone who has a lot of material things and wealth. Someone high in the ranks of their occupation, and who offers several quotes of what they heard or saw along with a couple of witnesses and concrete evidence.

This client, however, doesn't offer any of those things, which automatically raises suspicion in Jimin's mind. There are no quotes or witnesses, and how did Gi get enough money to pay for Taehyung and Jungkook's disposal? Jimin's mind flashes back to the two billion won Namjoon showed him in pay for his services. He knows part of that money comes from Namjoon himself, as a bribe to get Jimin back into his company.

But, a lot of it comes from the client. And although most of the client's money goes to the assassin that was given their case, some of it also goes to Namjoon and the company as a whole. Not to mention Jimin's partner (who he still doesn't know, as he hasn't opened that file yet). All in all, there are a lot of people to pay.

Jimin reckons that about two-thirds of the money Namjoon offered him comes from Cho Gi himself. If about one-fourth of what the client offers goes to Jimin's partner as they're the man in the chair, one-fourth goes to Namjoon and the company, and the rest comes to Jimin himself, then Cho Gi must be very rich.

...Which doesn't seem likely if what he claims his job at the company is is anything to go by.

Jimin pulls out a small notebook, opening it to write down his thoughts in code. He always has a notebook on hand at all times during every assignment he's ever had, finding it convenient to have all his thoughts and mental notes written down so he can come back to them later. Of course, once he's finished with an assignment, he hands in the notes from the assignment to Namjoon to be put in the organization's records.

No agent is allowed to keep their notes and briefings on any project they undertake, due to the files being unsafe in agents' hands. Namjoon has had this rule since the organization opened, although he does allow the assassins to look back on their records with his permission and supervision.

Because of these precautions, Jimin's notebook is completely blank other than his newly inked thoughts.

As soon as he's finished, he closes the notebook and slips it back into his desk, locking the drawer he put it into and hanging the key back around his neck. He has several key-necklaces, some unlocking the important drawers around his house and others unlocking random empty cupboards or nothing at all. Nothing is labeled; it's too easy for someone to unlock all his most secret places and get information they shouldn't have.

Jimin files all the uses for each key in his mind, his near-photographic memory helping him greatly. The ash-haired male figures the best place to store the keys is around his neck; anyone wanting to steal his information would need to kill him first, and that's no easy task.

Jimin sighs as he pulls out the final file, mind translating the cover to read 'Partner: Min Yoongi'.

Now, these are the people Jimin admires the most: the people behind the scenes, the assassins' partners that aren't usually physically in all the action but are there every step of the way nonetheless. These are the computer geniuses, hacking pros, and man-in-the-chair people of the assassin world.

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