Chapter 13

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Jimin immediately perks up after hearing the brute's words, mind running a mile a minute as he processes the words 'duffle bag', 'brunette', 'friend', and 'faces memorized'. A small smile curls his lips upwards, eyes glinting in triumph as he pulls his phone out to text Yoongi. He uses the general KOABH code, fingers flying as his mind translates what he wants to say into the written language.

Think I found one. Meet at corner of 1st and 2nd street. In front of 'Jaemin's Bar and Grill'.

It doesn't take long for Yoongi to arrive, spotting Jimin a bit away from the two bulky guys still rambling about what they'd do to the two people who 'ruined their pride and dignity' once they got their hands on them.

"You found them?" Yoongi asks under his breath, glancing around nonchalantly at the people around them. Jimin gives a tiny nod, making sure to be inconspicuous as he mutters "Two buff guys around six feet tall, sitting on the bench in front of the bar. Both with shaggy black hair." Yoongi doesn't turn around after hearing Jimin's words; doesn't even blink. The ash-haired male thanks the gods that Yoongi is as experienced as he is- younger, less informed agents would have tried to subtly turn around and stare at the men mentioned, unknowingly drawing unwanted attention to them from both passersby and the said men.

Yoongi doesn't even flinch, reassuring he understood Jimin with a small, affirming dip of the head, and Jimin feels another wash of foreign gratitude at the way his partner has handled the situation. It feels good to be with someone of the same mental maturity and instincts as well as reflexes and intuition.

Yoongi walks away from Jimin for a bit, going to look in a store window display, and Jimin catches his drift and shifts to stand almost in front of the two men in question. Yoongi turns around, walking back to Jimin and naturally looking at the people behind him. The pair then walk a little ways away together, Yoongi muttering under his breath "Yup, I heard some of their conversation, too. It's definitely odd and it sounds like Jeon and Kim. Would you like to talk to them about it?"

Jimin nods his head, fixing Yoongi with a pointed gaze as he calmly walks back over to where the two men sit. The bruise on the larger one's face doesn't seem too dark or painful. Jimin's had worse, and so he rolls his eyes when he sees the man whimper slightly and press a new ice pack to the injury. Jimin recalls the description of what the two targets look like and their past records, and he's surprised one of them managed to land a punch on the tall, muscular guy. Judging from the brute calling the one who punched him a 'brunette mother fucker', Jimin guesses it was Jungkook who threw the punch, if he still has the same hair color as he did in his KOABH file.

Maybe Jimin misjudged the two targets and they have more fight in them then what he initially thought? Maybe they hold more power than their skinny, beat up bodies suggest and they're actually more formidable opponents than they appear? The young assassin isn't sure, but he files away the information in his mind and makes a mental note to proceed with a bit of caution. After all, Jungkook and Taehyung had him fooled into thinking they were weak nobodies on the run.

Jimin approaches the two burly men still yammering about revenge, putting on his best innocent look and asking "Hello, sir. I was wondering if you could tell my friend and I about how you got that bruise and those scratches?" Jimin points at the discoloration around the man's eye and the light scrapes down his forearms while he talks.

He figures it would be easier to get through to the man by appearing unguarded and weaker. He already let his unstable mental situation get the better of him once today, and he doesn't want to let that side of him come out again, for his own sake and those of the people around him. Especially Yoongi. The pair are getting along very well so far, and he doesn't want to ruin that... friendship? ...with unimportant details such as his maybe-slight-small-miniscule-barely there psychotic tendencies.

Also, judging from the way the man was just talking about seeking such malicious revenge on Jeon Jungkook, he isn't the kind of person to submit easily, and Jimin doesn't want to have to waste time forcing him to submit. Or killing him. It's easier to pretend to bend to others' wills sometimes in favor of getting in and out faster than show them the full power of the number one assassin in the number one agency in Korea, and debatably the rest of the world.

The buff male looks up at Jimin, taking in his flawless skin, dazzling eyes, thick thighs, and peachy ass, face expression immediately morphing into a haughty look of egotistical flirtiness and superiority. "Come sit those delicious thighs down right here," he pats his lap with his free hand, the other still clutching the ice pack, "And I'll even give you my number." Jimin rolls his eyes, rage flaring up inside of him. "No thank you," he responds through gritted teeth.

"C'mon baby boy, don't be shy," the man insists, smirk growing as he sees Jimin shake his head. "Tell you what. You come sit here and let me feel up your ass and I'll take you home and let you ride my dick. You'll feel so good, don't miss this chance." Jimin looks at Yoongi, silently asking for an okay to change up the pace, to which Yoongi grins knowingly and shrugs his shoulders as if to say "It's up to you, go for it."

A sickeningly sweet smile curls Jimin's lips upward, and he saunters over to plop himself on the man's lap, wrapping an arm around his neck. "Now, tell me what happened," he murmurs, taking the chance to inspect the man's bruise. You can tell a lot from a black eye, and judging from both the position and angle of the bruising, Jimin guesses the punch was a weak one yet aimed directly for the outer bone of his eye. Being one of the more tender and sensitive parts of the eye, the place now sports a darker bruise than the rest of the area, and Jimin can see some red seeping into the whites of the man's eyes, spreading from that part of the skin around the socket.

It's honestly a smart place to hit, being a place that bruises easily and hurts the most, and Jimin can't help but feel satisfaction that this man got punched in exactly that spot. "To sum it up I got into a fight with a local gang leader. He tried to take me out but only managed to punch me once, right here," the man explains, pointing to the bruise around his eye, "before I punched him in the gut a few times and smashed his face in. The little wimp went running after I broke his nose, whimpering all the way back to his gang. They turned on him 'cuz they realized he was weak, and beat him up in front of my eyes. The gang then said that since I beat him I was their leader-"

"Ah ah ah, don't lie. Boys who lie get punished. Tell me the real story," Jimin coos, the hand wrapped around his neck coming to squeeze the man's nape, willing him to submit. "I- that is the r-real story-" the man stutters out, bewildered. "Wrong answer," Jimin hisses. "Remember what I told you about people who lie?"

The assassin's right arm reaches up to join the one wrapped around the brute's neck, leg swinging around so Jimin's straddling him. He pulls out the thin blade sheathed in the knots of his knitted sweater, pressing the cool, sharp metal against the man's nape just hard enough to draw a single drop of blood that rolls down his neck, and cause a needle of pain and fear to shoot down his back.

"Now," Jimin continues, withdrawing his right hand to pull out another, longer knife to rest up against the subject's stomach, pressing the tip into the fabric of his shirt. "Do you mind telling me the real reason why you have that bruise? I heard it had something to do with two young men with a duffle bag, one of them with brown hair. Care to share?"

The man gulps, eyes widening as he freezes in fear, no muscle twitching on his toned body. Jimin fixes him with a curious smile, tilting his head slightly and digging the tip of the dagger in his right hand further into his shirt until it pokes at the strong abs hidden underneath. The man gulps once more before offering the tiniest of nods, a squeak sounding in the back of his throat as Jimin moves abruptly, swiftly hiding both blades back into his clothes and sliding off the guy's lap. He grabs his hand in a tight grip which, to anyone else, looks casual and nonchalant, but that Jimin knows will leave another bruise on the bulky male's body.

He turns around to see Yoongi holding the other guy down with a similar technique, veins bulging subtly as he rests his arm around the man's shoulder in a friendly manner. Jimin shoots him a glance before pulling the male he's holding down the street, searching for a dark alley for them to have their chat.

He hadn't wanted to pull the borderline psychopath card he knows but won't admit is hidden in the back of his mind, but the man had pissed him off and he felt the need to put him in his place. If the squeaky whimpers passing through the bastard's quivering lips is anything to go by, Jimin thinks he did a good job teaching the man a lesson. Now the only thing left to do is get this mother fucker to tell him what he knows, and then Jimin can dispose of him and move on with his life.

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