Prompt #10 - "Sorry, but you have to die."

152 3 7

- death is unescapable

ENTJ - "Unfortunately for you, YOU have to die. Now hurry up and don't dawdle; you're not the only one I have to kill today."

INTJ - "I cannot comprehend why someone hasn't executed you yet."

ENTP - "If you need killing, let's test out my new executor 4000 to see how evenly your body fries."

INTP - "What a cool guillotine."

ENFP - "Hey, you! Pretty one over there! Go kill that guy for me, please."

INFP - "I am so very sorry to hear th-- hey, look -- a butterfly!"

ENFJ - "We'd like to execute you... if that's alright with you. Is now a good time for you?"

INFJ - "Your execution will teach others a very valuable lesson."

ESTJ - "I've checked the local statues and spoken to the authorities to ensure your execution can go froward as planned."

ISTJ - "I have completed and filed all the paperwork for your execution."

ESTP - "That's a shame, buddy. But hey! I hear the jailers a real looker. Don't suppose you could get her number for me before you die?"

ISTP - "DAMMIT! I told you that I wanted to know about this sooner so I could do a test run of the new firing squad guns I ordered."

ESFP - "We can do it with a pirate theme! I'll get the balloons!"

ISFP - "I'm going to make a collage in your memory."

ESFJ - "Oh! We can all go out for dinner as your last meal! You like burgers, and I hear that there's this great place just down the street!"

ISFJ - "I promise to look after your children."

(credit to: Lulzy on MemeCenter - posted by Nikki Vidal on Pinterest)


the ENTJ one made me laugh lol

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