New Revelations

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Authors Note

Hey guys :) I'm so very sorry about the long wait, but with the holidays and everything, things got a bit hectic. 

i am going to apologise in advance, updates might be a little slow after the new year as we go back to University. But we'll try our best to update quickly and consistently.

Please comment and let me know what you think. Thats always an inspiration :)

Much love



New Revelations


 I knocked as hard as I could on the surprisingly very modern door knocker. I wanted to be heard; I wanted Eric to know just how angry I am. I refuse to let some snotty little prince make a mockery out of me. I am Princess Genevieve Theodore Loretta Thornton and he will not get away with this. 

Eventually after what felt like hours the castle's butler came to the door. I was slightly disappointed that Eric wasn't the one to answer, although I knew I shouldn't be. Any royal member of any castle hardly ever opens their own doors.

"Hold your anger for a while Gen; this poor old man doesn't need to be treated rudely.” 

Telling myself that, however, didn't help very much because my tone still sounded bitter and cold. 

"Where is Prince Eric? There's something I need to discuss with him!"

"I'm sorry miss; Prince Eric is currently engaged in a meeting with Prince Liam and does not wish to be disturbed. Shall I deliver a message to him on your behalf?"

“I do not care what he wishes or with whom he is. Please call him for me or I will be forced to look for him myself. "

"My apologies Miss but I cannot do that. I will happily take a message though."

By now my patience was wearing and my anger was seething. I looked at the very bored looking butler. He was tall and very neatly dressed in a black tailed suit and customary white shirt. His bow-tie was precisely centred and not a crease was out of place. His eyes sparkled with kindness but I could see that nothing I’d say would change his mind. He will not let me enter the castle. 

"I understand your position Mr, but the matter I have to discuss with Eric cannot wait, I demand to see him right this minute."

"Miss I have already told you, Prince Eric is with Prince Liam and he does not want to be disturbed. I will inform him that a young lady was looking for him. Now if you would kindly leave without a scene I will refrain from calling security." 

At this point I was beyond caring, I barged my way into the castle past the butler whose expression remained like his voice; monotonous.

"Eric, you imbecile! Get down here right this minute!" I screamed at the top of my voice. 

"Miss please lower your voice. His majesty is resting."


"Look Miss. You seem like a very respectable young lady. I'm sure whatever Eric-"

"Get here this instant. ERIC! You bloody coward."

"Miss if you do not leave right now. I will have to call security."

"Eric you insolent prince! I have a bone to pick with you. I suggest you come here or I will come look for you and I will not rest until I do."

My throat was burning from screaming so loudly but I couldn't be bothered. He will not get away with exploiting me. It's one thing humiliating me, but to exploit me. I will not have it. 

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