And we're back to square one: Part 2

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Hey Guys!

Exams is finally over! I can't wait to get back into the groove of things! :D again sorry for the long wait. Truthfully I had half the chapter written when the last chapter was posted but there was such a major writers block when it came to the play! Anyway hope this is worth the wait.

Please don't forget to vote and comment. The more votes and comments we get, the more readers we get and that makes us very excited! And its a proven fact that the more excited one is the more likely we are to write the next chapter sooner!!! Critisim is grately appreciated!

Tell your friends. Follow us on twitter @tria3014.


"Genny my sweet, this is your last chance to tell your favourite, sexy uncle what your play is about."

"Sorry Uncle P no can do. You, like everyone else, will just have to wait and see."

"You know Genna, you're very ungrateful; to think I left my busy life just to come here with you. And you? You can't even give me a hint as to what your play is about. You wound me Genna, and I, Prince Phillip, would put my life down for you." He said ever so dramatically.

I laughed, "You know uncle you're so dramatic I should give you a role in the play."

"Is that so, and what role would you cast upon me my princess."

"Hmm let's see," I pretended to ponder, quite enjoying this playfulness with my uncle, "I would give you the role of Eric's trusty pauper side-sick. You know since tables have turned and-"

I stopped abruptly, preventing myself from revealing anything about today's performance.

"And?" He drew out with his oh-so-knowing-Phil-smirk.

"Ah ah ah, Uncle Phil, you should definitely add devious to your list of endless traits." I said as realization dawned upon me. My uncle might be dramatic, but he sure thinks of clever little ways to get things out of people. I guess you could say it's part of his charm.

"Oh Genna, you're no fun. No wonder you're my brother's daughter."

I laughed, "I wouldn't be your niece any other way"

"Yes you would, a sisters daughter is my niece too."

"Yes, but Uncle Phillip, you don't have a sister."

"Gosh aren't you a smart-mouth today."

I laughed once again as I saw his fake frown.

"Now, where is that friend of yours, we should get going."

"Haze, come on. I guarantee you Hunter will find you pretty no matter what you wear or how much make up you have on."

Uncle Phil and I both playfully smiled at each other when we saw a bright red Hazel coming down the stairs.


"Uncle Phil, are you listening to me?"

"I'm multitasking Genna, you know women are not the only ones that can do that."

"You're driving Uncle Phillip, I hardly call that Multitasking."

"Multitasking- the art of driving and looking hot at the same time." He stated as if he was reciting it from a dictionary.

The two of us were on our way to school. As we walked out the front door Hunter pulled up, offering Hazel and me a ride; seeing Eric driving I decided to rather spend some quality time with my uncle instead. So here I was, in Sheila, trying to have a conversation with my uncle.

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