A Surprising End to a Very Weird Week Part one

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Hey Guys :p

We're so terribly sorry about the very long wait, but with med and law sschool time hasnt been our best friend lately.I truely hope this chapter is worth the wait, it was around 37 pages on word so it's been split into two parts. the second part should be up in about a weeks time, just have to make some minor changes.

3000+ reads on the head cover!! WOW! thank you guys its amazing. for those of you still sticking around, hope you enjoy the chapter. be warned though it hasnt yet been edited, so that will be done as soon as possible.

much love 


PS follow us on twitter @tria3014, let us know youre from wattpad and we'll follow back :)

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Chapter nine: A surprising end to a very weird week 

"But Genna you promised!"

"I know Haze, but look at him," I gestured to the one and only prince Eric. He was surrounded by his usual flock of fan girls; just dying for a second of his attention; attention that he was just basking in. All that arrogance was going to make my head pop; I honestly don't know how he hasn't spontaneously combusted already.

 "I really don't want to spend my Saturday around him. You go ahead and enjoy yourself with Hunter. And think about it Haze I'm going to feel like a third wheel around you two anyway. I know you want to spend some time with him and you really don't want me around."

“Genna, I wouldn't ask you to come with me unless I wanted you around. You’re my best friend and you promised. You cannot back out now. Hunter wants you there too. Please Gen I've said this a thousand times, I really like him. Just put up with Eric’s presence for a little while. You don't even have to talk to him.”

“Talking with him isn’t the only problem Haze, but by merely breathing the same air as him is already too suffocating and that’s only at school. I doubt I’d handle being around him in his own home with out being charged for murder by the end of the day.”

I sighed and apologetically looked at Hazel, “Haze, try to understand my dilemma, Eric isn’t only arrogant and full of himself but he also embarrassed me in front of a full restaurant and then exploited me to the entire school. Eric and I don’t only have a disliking for each other but we’ve done unpardonable things to each other…it’s difficult to overlook all those things.”

“But Genna, you agreed to come along when I told you about it a few days ago, now just a day before you’ve changed your mind.”

“Yes I did agree but that was prior to spending an entire week with Eric because of an assignment that I despise being with him on. I just know that if I have to see him for another day something untoward is bound to happen, the tension that we’ve both bottled up for the benefit of our group would surely explode if I have to spend an entire afternoon with him.”

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