Another Side of Him

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Heyy guys.

This chapter is dedicated to a dedicated reader.

Hope you enjoy the chapter.. let us know what you think. Comments and votes are always appreciated.

To the side is a picture of Genna's dress. A big thank you to our sister Sarina for finding it. 

Much love


Chapter Thirteen: Another Side of Him

"Wow Gen, Veronica outdid herself!" Hazel exclaimed as she stepped wide-eyed into my bedroom.

I glanced at the one sleeved, coral coloured dress that had many drapes form the waistline downwards and elegant beadwork over the bust area. I had to agree with Hazel, the dress was absolutely exquisite and maybe I was wearing one of Veronica's best works yet.

"This dress really defines less is more, perfectly." Hazel said as her eyes scanned my dress. "I mean it's so simple yet so beautiful. I am definitely borrowing it when an occasion arrives."

"Have I ever turned you down anything Haze?" I grinned at my best friend. "You don't even have to ask, just pull it out of my closet."

I looked at myself in the mirror, my makeup was done to a minimum, since I was to wear a mask, the stylist uncle Phil got to come home decided to make my eyes stick out so she adorned my eyes with a smoky look and coated my lips with a nude hue. My hair was pinned up in tight curls with a few strands of curly loose curls hanging at the frame of my face. As I looked at myself I couldn't help but recognise myself as a princess and not simple ol' Genna - as I've been as of recent. I looked very much like the princess that left Lonzeria not too long ago. I'd almost forgotten my true identity in my time here but today after dressing up I was reminded again.

"Uh oh, you're crinkling your nose and furrowing your brows." Hazel drawled. "Which can only mean one thing; you're over thinking something. Spit it out Gen."

Tearing my eyes away from my reflexion I sighed as I put on my diamond earrings. "You should know how exciting I find such occasions." I retorted

"Oh lighten up Genna, you're a princess and attending such functions comes with the job, look on the brighter side and think about how many little kids would benefit from your attendance. It is a charity ball for underprivileged kids after all, right?"

"I guess you're right even though I could have just sent a cheque, either way they would have gotten my donation." I pointed out.

Hazel rolled her eyes at me. "You need to loosen up Genna, every girl dreams of being a princess and here you are whining. Count your blessings and appreciate what you have, there are tons of people who would kill to have your life. No ones life is perfect, not even royalty, but I believe it is what you choose to do with what you have that makes your life perfect."

I doubted Hazel has ever spoken any wiser words and I knew she was right, her words made utter sense and in that moment I decided I was going to put on a smile and attend this ball no matter how much I dreaded going.

"I'm impressed Hazel, looks like dating Hunter has made you wise." I teased her.

"Oh please, I always was wise; you just failed to recognise it."

"Uh huh, I'm sure." I grinned.

"You look beautiful Genna." Hazel said sincerely. "All those princes are going to be overwhelmed by you."

I reached for the sequined gold mask on my dresser and flashed it at Hazel. "I'm wearing this Haze; no one will be able to see my face." I pointed out. "So much about being smart." I added sarcastically.

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