And We're Back to Square One Part 1

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Hey all you lovely people

I'm so so so very sorry for the long wait! It has just been so busy! 

This isnt the full chapter, but i didnt want to make you wait any longer so im posting what i have done so far. I'm currently working on the next chapter so it should hopefully be up very soon.

i dont want to make any promices i cant keep, but hopefully you'll get more frequent updates soon.

Please share, vote, and comment. Your comments are what drive us to keep writing despite all the university work we have.

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Take care 


this chapter is dedicated to Sydney for the awesome cover. Picture to the side the minute i can get it up


Eric’s POV


Startled at the loud noise, I turned around to see Genna storming down the now empty hallway. Felling slightly concerned I ran after her.

“Genna- hey wait up.”

“What do you want Eric? I don’t have the time or energy for more drama today.”

What is her problem? All I’m trying to do is help, but if she wants to be such a spoilt brat about it, then Jerk Eric she will get- and to think we might have actually been starting to get along. I mentally scoff, yeah right; Genna and I get along- I should have known that will only happen when hell freezes over- twice!

“Well?” Genna with one hand on her hip and a raised eyebrow tapped her foot impatiently- irritating me further.

“Well,” I said, “no one told you to be such a brat. I just wanted to see if you were alright since you stormed out of the bathroom looking like you’re about to murder someone. What, that time of the month again? Need any sanitary pads? If so, don’t come running to me.”

“As if I’d ask an inquisitive, annoying know it all like you for anything. Besides Eric I didn’t ask for your concern, so how about you and all your disciples let me be. I don’t want to be involved with you or your drama.”

“My drama? Whose being the drama queen now? I swear your mood swings are giving me a whiplash.”

“Did you just steal that from twilight?” she asked a slightly amused.

Women – they’re so frustrating! One minute she’s angry, the next she’s laughing at me.

“Um, what? You’re avoiding the topic Thorn.” I said, feeling my cheeks warm a little.

“And what exactly was the topic Cunningham? Oh and I’m quite certain I’m not the one avoiding the subject now.

Ignoring the last retort, I replied quite frustratingly, “look Thorn, I don’t know what crawled up your rear end in that bathroom- but don’t you dare take your anger out on me. I will make your life a living hell.”

YOU! You are my problem Eric! If it’s not you rumbling on and acting all high and mighty just because you’re a prince, it’s your stupid little play toys that think they can threaten me. Newsflash! Prince Eric, I will never be interested in you like that, and I think it will be best if you make that clear. Like I said I don’t need nor want the drama!”

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