Anger, Annoyance, frustration and a little bit of fun

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Authors Note

Hi guys. So sorry for the delayed update, its just we had a religious festival and it was my grans birthday this past weekend. Hope you understand. Anyways, comment, vote and fan if you like it, and if you don't, let  me know why, criticism is always good. :)

Much Love

Tria <3

Chapter 5: Anger, Annoyance, Frustration and a little bit of fun

Eric’s POV

“The audacity that girl has!” I shouted as I rushed into the boy’s bathroom to clean up after that peasant Genna smeared ice-cream all over my face.

“Mate calm down; so much anger isn’t good, you wouldn’t want to do something you’d regret in a fit of rage.” Hunter reasoned with me placing a hand on my shoulder.

I shrugged my shoulder out of Hunters hold, ignoring him I continued, “Just who does she think she is? Does she not understand that I am the Prince and future king of England? With just one call and she’ll be running off to wherever she’s come from.”

“Are you going to get her kicked out of the country then?” Hunter asked seriously.

I chuckled. “Hunter, ol’ boy, do you think I would make it so easy for her?”

“That worthless, nobody of a girl insulted and embarrassed me in front of the entire school. She humiliated me while she walked away smugly with her head held, as if she accomplished something great.”

“I am going to make sure she wished she was back from wherever it is she comes from.” I grinned.

“Eric you do remember King Cornelius’s words? He said you should treat all women with respect and integrity, whether she is a princess or not.” Hunter said.

“Princess or not I don’t care! She declared war with me- now I shall show her that war was meant for men only, not puny little girls like her.”

“I will finish off the war she started. I am going to make her life a living hell at East Star High Academy. She is going to regret the day she stepped on the wrong foot of Prince Eric Louis Cornelius Cunningham.” I said with a grin.

“Ric, don’t be so harsh on her. I think she’s kind of hot.” Hunter shrugged.

“Sorry mate, but this one is off limits. I don’t want anyone comforting her when I’m done with her. Genna might be an attractive young lady but no looks are going to surpass the amount of despise I’ve developed for her.”

“Ahh man, but I thought I could’ve started something with her. She had such pretty hair.” Hunter fake pouted.

“Hunter, I’m not joking I mean it. Stay away.” I said sternly

“Oh well her friend is quite hot too. I’ll try my luck with Heather or was it Gretel? Whatever, I like her eyes they so innocent you know…”

While Hunter went on and on admiring Heather or whatever her name was, I was already planning on how to get little Genna Thorn back. Oh Miss Thorn you are in for one hell of a year, and I know just how to do accomplish it, that worthless know it all won’t know what hit her.


Genevieve POV

I couldn’t help but feel smug; I knew if my parents had witnessed my actions today towards Prince Eric I would’ve surely been severely punished. The way I reacted was very un-lady like; my father would call it barbaric behaviour, but I couldn’t help how Eric made me feel. He was so exasperating and annoying; I have never felt so much dislike towards anyone in my life before. He brought out the uncivilised version of me, whenever he would just be in the same room as me it would make my blood boil.

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