The Last Author's Note

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*Cue sad violin music*

So, the last time we meet... In The Moon Trilogy, at least. This marks the official end of this particular story, and I can safely say there never will be a Moon Trilogy, Book 4...

I know it's unlikely that anyone really cares all that much, but here's my little going away speech that might not make too much sense:

The whole series started out as most stories do, just a little idea in my head. But as time went on, I continued to build on that little start of a story I had until the original characters that I had were involved in a storyline that stretched thousands of years, with grandchildren and great grandchildren and enough plots and confusion to fill a whole library... I started writing a while later, which was still a long time ago. Almost right after I got myself an old laptop, I fired up Microsoft Word and started to write the story. Now, it had already been a while since the original moon trilogy idea had even cone into my head, so even if I had been able to get it all down on paper exactly like it had first been dreamt as I was dreaming it, I doubt it would have really worked anyway. So I'm sure you can imagine that the story I came up with it much different than the one I first thought of, and The Moon Trilogy veered off quite a few paths that just weren't there when the concept started out.

I did write it when I was probably too young to start writing, and I'm sure I'd just die of the cringe if I read my original drafts, but I've been continuously editing, rewriting, adding, reforming, and all around improving the overall story since then, and it's getting to a point where I'm actually pretty proud of what I have here, even if I've most likely desecrated my original vision... (Twelve year old me is crying)

But my new story definitely has one thing in common with its parent idea: the plot is long and rather confusing. And I'm not just talking about the main trilogy. I already have rough drafts of a couple sequels, prequels, spins-offs— whatever you want to call them, and I'm not stopping here, so if you've enjoyed sticking with me this far, why not continue to do so? I've got big plans ;D

I can't thank all of my readers enough for actually putting in the time to read what I wrote (and am still writing), and you might be tired of hearing it by now, who knows? But I'm still offering my sincerest gratitude, and so, dear readers, I bid you adiue!

Until next time, when we (hopefully) meet again  ;)

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