Chapter four:

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The building was dark and musty and had obviously been left to its own devices for a long time, possibly the whole two-and-some years that it had been out of service. Everywhere was covered in a thick layer of dust. It was the most dust that Clarity had ever seen in one place.

The only light was so dim that she could hardly see any further than a couple feet in front of her. It oozed through grimy, boarded-up windows like molasses, proudly displaying a thick collection of dust motes.

With the struggle-filled search for a light switch, Clarity heard several clangs, and could only assume that there were several freshly-stubbed toes in the vicinity.

A few minutes later, several rows of florescent lights buzzed to life, casting a sterile light over the dust.

Right away, it was apparent that no one had set foot in the building for ages, so she suggested leaving.

But Scarlett came up with two immediate responses that shot down the argument right away. One, this was only a single room, so Eric could still be somewhere nearby. And two, there had to still be a stash of weapons on the premises that would be useful to have, and even more importantly, to keep away from Eric.

So they began a thorough search of the building.

Several times, Clarity was sure that she saw rats and cockroaches scuttling away from her view, but she kept going. She liked to believe that she wasn't a wimp, which meant that she could muster up enough resolve to ignore some pests.

After a while, she finally found a crate containing a very large gun, and boxes of what appeared to be ammo for said gun. She dragged it to the center of the room, where they'd first teleported in.

One section of the room done, a whole lot more to go.

She resumed the search, and after about half-an-hour, there was a pile of weaponry of all shapes and sizes to keep the first gun company.

It was more than she'd been expecting, for sure. But even still, she wasn't certain that it was completely worth the time they'd spent to gather it all up. Eric obviously hadn't been around for quite some time, and it wasn't like they didn't already have a good deal of firepower.

She kept her mouth shut, though. It would be a waste of time and energy to complain about something that she couldn't change.

She split the load with Scarlett. Each teleporter would take one person, and half of the loot.

When they were back at the apartment—or whatever it was... She wasn't sure what to call it anymore—they stashed the weapons in the back room that had been previously unoccupied.

No one else was around, so the news would have to wait until later.

Not that it was much of any news, anyways.

She told the others that she was going into her room before she did exactly that, and she used her phone to check the news.

Now that she was a superhero, she would need to get up to speed on the latest crimes and whatnot.

She couldn't help but smile when the headlining news article showed a hastily-snapped picture of a cloaked figure that looked suspiciously like either Rachel or Benny. It was blurry and unfocused, and the article was similar. It was a vague story about 'unknown characters' involved in a police chase of armed robbers.

The reporter obviously knew nothing about the situation, but Clarity could visualize it clearly. The team had made their debut appearance by stopping some sort of robbery.

The Final Showdown - The Moon Trilogy - Book 3 Where stories live. Discover now