Chapter nine:

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   Those savage yells only came closer.

   Just when she was sure she would be dead within the next few seconds, she felt someone grab her from behind and pull her back with just a little too much force.

   She would rather have a few bruises and scuffs than death, though.

   "Clarity, get us out of here!" Benny yelled. She couldn't see him, but Alex didn't have that slight German accent.

   She also couldn't see if they were all holding hands, but in the heat of the moment, her mind skipped over the thought almost entirely. She had to get out, or she would die.

   The crazed sounds of the mob were cut off abruptly when she teleported, and when she stood up on shaky legs in the middle of the living room of the safe-house, she was relieved to see that everyone had been teleported out with her.

   The others must have heard them land because they all came rushing in simultaneously.

   Clarity related the events of their search.

   Though it was a stab at their morale to learn that Eric had slipped past them once again, they still had their backup plan. The birthday party might yield useful information, after all.

    Though the official meeting ended as soon as the plan to attend the party was out in the air, everyone lingered behind and eventually came up with a plan to go shopping. None of them really had anything in the way of formal attire, after all.

    However, even that little excursion wouldn't be for another half-hour, so she had to think of something to do in the meantime.

  Since arriving at the building, she'd been using her duffle bag as a closet, and she hadn't done any laundry, so her room was pretty messy. She decided to use her half-hour to clean.

   She piled her dirty laundry in the corner of the room, to be washed later, and she put the clean stuff in the closet that had gone unused since she'd been there. It was a pitiful supply of about three and a half outfits, all together, but it would have to do until she figured out the laundry room.

   The time went faster than she would have liked, and Rachel came to get her just as she picked up the last pair of socks that had been tossed into the corner.

    She grabbed a jacket and her purse before she rushed to catch up to the group that was already heading out the door.

   It took a relatively short time to find a store and thus began the shopping. They split up when they got there, the guys going one way, and the women going another.

   The sheer amount of different dresses overwhelmed her almost immediately. She'd never been the most fashionable person. Deciding a style was hard enough, and that was only half the battle. Which color would work best?

   She was swamped.

   After a while, the sub-group of women separated, as well. They all had several selections to try on, while Clarity had two maybes after combing through half the shelves.

   Needless to say, Clarity was the last one back to the register. She'd hurriedly decided on the simplest of her maybes. It was a black dress that went all the way to the floor, the fanciest thing about it the fact that it had a v-neckline.

   She wasn't about to complain about it, though. It was better than the alternative of wearing jeans, after all.

   As soon as everyone—meaning Clarity—was ready, they headed back to the safe-house.

   Scarlett was apparently some sort of make-up artist because she did a fantastic job on Rachel and Clarity with just a few sparse supplies she'd picked up last minute.

The Final Showdown - The Moon Trilogy - Book 3 Where stories live. Discover now