Author's note

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Hello, hello!

I just want to start by saying a great, big thank you to everyone who's stuck with the story this far! It means a lot to see even a little bit of support for something I've worked so hard on. I've edited a million times and tried my very best to make book three as good as it can be!

That being said: Yes, this is the third installment of a series, so if anyone is here for the first time thinking that this is the first in a series, I'm so sorry to disappoint! if you do think this looks interesting, you can go ahead and check out books one and two before you come back here. Sound good? Good. (I'll provide links at the bottom, so if you're here for that, go ahead and skip, loves!)

I'll say right now that, although I may not be the most talkative writer, and my author's notes are few and far between, that doesn't mean I don't like hearing from YOU guys! Comments are greatly appreciated, and how on Earth could I ever get this story as good as it can possibly be without the watchful eyes of so many readers helping me find typos? So please, please, please with a cherry on top, don't be afraid to comment!

And what kind of author's note would this be if I didn't remind you to vote? It would mean the world if you would consider leaving a little star on the chapters you enjoy!

But enough of me. I'm sure that most of you are only here for the story, so I'll just let you get back to it!

Sayonara, for now, my lovely readers and writers. Each and every one of you, have a spectacular day!

(Book one: The Labyrinth of White- )

(Book two: The Arena- )

The Final Showdown - The Moon Trilogy - Book 3 Where stories live. Discover now