Chapter two:

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   Clarity took care of the dishes from her breakfast and followed the returning team into the living room, where the news was repeated once more as soon as everyone was awake to hear it.

   The room was abuzz with planning and excitement. They were all eager to get this over and done with.

   "But before anything else happens, we should finalize this whole vigilante thing." Sam was fiddling with something, passing it back and forth between his hands. His fur, however, prevented her from making out what it was.

   After sleeping on the idea, Clarity thought it sounded rather foolish, and she almost regretted ever suggesting it in the first place. But by now, it had been adopted by the rest of the group and was completely out of her hands.

   "Maybe we should hold off on making names for ourselves. After all, the public usually ends up picking the names, anyways." Alex said. He seemed to be the most into it. He'd definitely been the most enthusiastic when Clarity had first posed the idea. His bright yellow eyes glinted with excitement.

"That's a good idea, but we should still get ourselves some cool outfits." Benjamin piped in. "Superheroes without costumes would be lame. Even police officers have outfits... usually. And besides, it would prevent people from seeing who we are. They can't stop us if they can't tell who where are or where they can find us."

   It had started as an almost childish idea, but the last bit of information was actually a very valid pint.

   With a few more exchanged ideas, they decided to hold off on the Lance-search for just a bit longer while they turned themselves into vigilates. It was going to be such a surreal experience, and she wasn't sure if she could completely force the thought of Eric out of her mind, but she had to try. They all needed something to unwind a bit.

   Costume-picking would be the perfect distraction, not to mention the fact that it was apparently essential to being a superhero.

   They went their separate ways once the conversation had died down, all with their own ideas on where they were getting their new uniforms.

   Clarity, however, was completely lost when it came to where she should start, so she simply took the elevator down to the city below and began to wander around until she found a clothing store.

   She went systematically down the aisles, flipping past item after item.

   Then she remembered what Scarlett had told her about teleporting: The less weight she had on her person, the better. She made her way through a forest of racks and shelves of shoes to the sporting goods. Not only would sporting stuff be light, but it would also be good for flexibility.

   Several outfits caught her eye almost as soon as she arrived. The first thing was a high-end running suit, designed to be a light as possible. The brand was known for its frontier-breaking science, put into every new design they released. This one was probably made of some material that they'd only just discovered, for all she knew.

   The next was a similar outfit, but older—which meant it was cheaper. It made out of much flashier silver fabric and had full-length legs, rather than the knee-length legs of the other outfit.

   The last was more of a skiing outfit, from the looks of it, so it was heavier than the others. But as for the pros, it had full-body coverage and a sizable hood.

   She took the outfits into a fitting room and was disappointed to find that the skiing outfit didn't fit very well, and they had run out of all but one size, so that one was out before the race even began.

   The new black suit fit snuggly and was just as light as she expected it to be. The only issue was that it fit a little too snuggly. The torso was too short for her to ever wear it comfortably. She would have to visit a different store if her last item didn't work out.

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