Part 12. Tricked

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APPARENTLY, EVEN IN FLORIDA HOTELS, people liked to gossip.

I walked through the floor mine and Dini's room was on; I saw two teenagers giggle as they passed me, and I put a hand to my head trying to hide my embarrassment of the scene of this morning. God, even teenagers think something went on, I thought as I walked up to Sawyer's door.

Why? Because I was trying to figure out how to hand his clothes back to him without it being awkward for me.

I just stood there for a few moments looking at his door, imagining the scenarios in my head of what to say and if he would laugh or not. I was ready to just drop the clothes on the floor, knock on the door and then run off: when the door opened.

Sawyer stood there in blue jean shorts holding a dark blue shirt, barefoot and hair pulled back in a ponytail. I stared at his chest since that was where my eyes were the same height. I held out the clothes in my hands as I looked away from him.

"Uh, I hope this isn't how you greet the maid" I tried to joke as he took the clothes from me, and he just threw them down onto the floor beside the bed.

I wasn't about to mention I had spent an hour trying to fold those perfectly ...

He shrugged "She probably wouldn't mind it. You didn't have to bring those back," he said, amusement in his voice. I crossed my arms as I stood there looking down at my feet.

"I wasn't doing much so I figured I would," I said, digging my chin into my shoulder as I tapped my foot on the ground, I then looked up and nodded my head "Well, see ya." I started to walk off but, he grabbed me by the arm.

"Whoa, wait a minute," he said, amused "There has to be more of a reason than just that. If it is about this morning and your cousins-" I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

"No. That's not it" I mumbled as I looked up at him and just stared for a moment, "I told you I would pay for your .. bag that I threw up in" I scratched the back of my neck from embarrassment which only made him grin.

"I don't expect you to."

"I just feel bad about it."

He crossed his arms "I told you how you could pay me back" he said, looking down at me which only made me a little more nervous than I had already been.

"Oh? Uh" I paused as I looked around the hall, I turned back to him to see he was smirking. I sighed and nodded "Alright. Whatever." I closed my eyes and waited for him to do it.

And waited, and waited, and waited until he finally busted out laughing which caused me to open my eyes. Sawyer was leaning on the door laughing, he was hanging his head as he laughed and a blush crept up onto my face.

"What? This morning you said you wanted a stupid kiss!" I hissed at him, smacking his shoulder with my hand, which I think only hurt me more than it did him.

He shook his head putting his fists on his hips, his shirt swinging down by his side as he looked at me. "Lily, you told me to set a time and place. I take that as a date invitation as well" he said softly which made me relax a bit and make an 'oh' sound in realization.

Oh. A date? I thought as I watched him grinning down at me, I put on a small smile as I rubbed my right arm with my left hand "I didn't realize that you thought ... I mean, I wouldn't mind it you are hot and all-" he raised his eyebrows and I realized what I had said "Oh, I didn't mean that! I mean you are kinda cute, but uh ... I am gonna go back to my room now. I gotta talk to Dinah-" as I started to back up I wrecked right back into a woman and her poodle, the dog growled and the woman glared.

"Sorry!" I called out as they hurried away, I turned back to Sawyer to see him trying not to laugh. I pointed a finger down the hall "I'm gonna go now. Tomorrow night?" I questioned, he slowly nodded his head up and down in a yes motion.

"That was what we agreed on this morning."

I nodded and snapped my fingers remembering, "Right" I told him as I slowly turned away from him and walked down the hallway towards mine and Dini's room.

Did I seriously just say he was hot right to his face? I asked myself as I got to the room and tried to open the door. Damn it, I am putting that key card around my neck like in Zoey 101, I thought as I beat my hand against the door.

"Dini!" I yelled.

She opened the door and shook her head as I walked in and shut the door behind me, she went and sat down on the bed as she looked up at me with a questionable look.

"So, what exactly was said between you two?"

I hesitated as I looked at the painting in the room hanging above my bed, I slowly moved to sit on the said bed and crossed my arms as I turned to look at Dinah.

"I think I got a date."

She cracked a grin "You think that you got a date?" she questioned as I slowly nodded my head "What? You don't know for sure?" she stood up from the bed and walked over to me, she looked down at me with her hands on her hips.

"Tomorrow night. I think he tricked me" I told her as I put a hand to my head and groaned "Do you realize that the last date I went on was spent with me helping Will back into the college dorm and the next morning I found him in bed with one of the female track and field athletes."

Dinah groaned "He should have known better, that was a lousy way to do a woman who would have been a damn good wife," she said in anger before shaking her head and took me by my hands with a grin "But, now you can do better. Sawyer is way hotter than Will, and from what all Doug says, I figure he is more of a real man too."

I sighed as I stood there looking at my cousin, I was torn between it but since the date was already set up I might as well go through with it.

I would feel too horrible if I told him no. I sighed and rolled my eyes "Since you seem hell-bent on trying to get me with him, fine. But I am not wearing a dress" I told her, she clapped her hands together and turned to grab the hotel phone.

"This is perfect! It will be a night you will never forget, like prom when you lost your virginity."

"Hey! That was you not me. And you were all so happy about it, did you ever figure I did not want to know every small detail?" I said as she pressed in buttons on the hotel phone. She looked at me as she pressed the phone to her ear.

"Excuse me if I .. am a bit wild. Plus, it was a very small detail."

I snorted as she laughed and spoke into the phone "Hi, yeah. I want to reserve two spots for a simple manicure, pedicure, and facial. Maybe a wax-" I glared at her and shrugged okay "-okay no waxing."

I listened to her as she set up reservations and I crossed my arms as she hung up the phone "What did you just do?" I asked as I sat on the side of the bed and she smiled at me.

"You got a date. Plus I want a nice relaxing morning tomorrow. "

"I am not letting anyone touch my feet or my face," I said, scowling at my cousin who pouted at me and crossed her arms like a kid, of course, she knew I couldn't stand that look. I sighed and put my head in my hand as I cut my eye around at her.

"Manicure. And that is all."

Dinah clapped her hands a few times like a teenager and jumped forward to hug me "You know it won't end there. You need to look your best!" she squeaked which made me roll my eyes.

What did I just say yes to? Twice in one day?

She sighed as she pulled her hair back out of her face, "Mom called. She said that lightning struck the powerlines or something back during the spring, and somehow that had caused the beach house to be burned down. It's not like I care, Doug is unhappy and that makes me ... extremely happy."

I just shook my head at my cousin, sometimes I question if she loves her brother or if she just enjoys putting him through hell.

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