Part 23. Findings

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"Is it bad when the police get called twice in one week?"

I scoffed as I sat in the chair looking through a word search "It hasn't even been a week" I told my cousin, looking up from the book with a sad expression.

Will was in jail. After the witnesses told everything, the police decided that he will have no bail until they set a court date up. So excellent news was, his mommy and daddy couldn't bail his ass out for now. And hopefully, that was the last of him for now.

Dinah looked over from her bed and sighed, "I'm sorry, Lily."

I closed my book and shrugged, "Why should you be sorry? All we wanted was a vacation and I will let no one ruin it. He's locked up for now so screw him," I said, I stood up and grabbed my bathing suit from my pile of clothes.

"I am going to the pool."

After changing and grabbing a hotel towel, I walked down to the indoor pool. It was about eleven at night so I knew everyone would be up at the bar or the outdoor pool; I sat down by the edge of the pool and put my feet in while putting my head in my hands and resting my elbows on my knees.

Why does it always take one person to screw everything up?

Everything was going great, I was having a pleasant time but then William has to come along and ruin everything. I was just happy Sawyer didn't get in trouble about what he did to Will; he got a warning and Zeke took up for him about destroying the bottles of alcohol since his dad owns the place.

Doug had him by the neck. I can't believe him sometimes, he just rushes into things without thinking.

I sighed as I looked down at the water, removing my hands from my eyes. I could see the moon from the windows, the water glistened in the moonlight, what very few lights were hanging around made it seem like fairy lights.

This was peaceful. This was what I needed.

Sitting in my silence, watching the water shimmer and thinking, I haven't been using my head this trip. But every time I am around Sawyer I feel like a giddy teenager, what is wrong with me? The guy makes me feel happy and I ... think I am falling for him.

"Dinah said I could find you here." I turned to see him with his hair pulled up into a bun, wearing grey swim shorts and a red tank top. He was barefoot and standing a few feet away from me.

I turned back around to face the water, "Yeah?"

He didn't ask, but he sat beside me looking at the water and dangling his feet in. He looked towards me and pursed his lips.

"If you're mad at me, I understand."

That was when I looked at him, but I gave a confused look "Why would I be mad?" I questioned him. He shrugged as he looked down at the water.

"I got in the way when it was none of my business. When I saw him with his hand raised and walking towards you I got angry. I have seen enough of men slapping around women I get a gut feeling that makes me sick," he said disgustedly as he continued to look at the water "No woman should be treated that way."

It stayed silent for a moment. But when I put my hand on his shoulder, it made him look at me and I gave a slight smile.

"If you hadn't done it. Doug would have because ... he knows I am scared of Will."

Sawyer looked at me with a frown and I took my hand off of his shoulder, "The reason I never broke up with him before was that he would threaten me. For the past two years that has been my life and I finally couldn't take any more. Nobody knows except Dina and Doug. I just ... I can't take any more," I finished as I looked out the windows at the moon.

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