Part 32. Talking

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I STOOD IN FRONT OF HIS DOOR BOUNCING IN MY SPOT as I debated whether to go inside and speak to him or to knock and end up running off. I feel so stupid not catching his signs, part of me could only wonder how this will go.

Raising my hand, I knocked on the door and waited for a reply.

Clearing my throat, I sighed, "Sawyer? It's Lily. I want to talk, " I spoke as I ran my hand down my arm with a frown and looked around to make sure nobody was coming down the hallway.

Minutes passed as I waited for the door to open with my heart on edge. All it had been was a misunderstanding between us, right? Nothing major? I thought as I waited on the door to open. I looked around and leaned against the wall.

Or, I could be wrong. Maybe it meant a lot to Sawyer that I didn't notice what he was feeling but, then again he should have stopped me from leaving. Ugh, I hate not knowing what he was feeling, it's something I am not used to.

I am so used to knowing how I feel, knowing what to do, knowing how someone else is feeling. But right now, I don't know anything. I don't know if I should go to a normal college, or go online. I don't know if I should speak with Sawyer, or let him go. I don't know how he feels, but I know how I feel.

That is something I am for sure of.

"Maybe I should just wait until tomorrow," I mumbled as I turned around and walked down the hall. I ran a hand through my hair and turned the corner, I froze when I saw the person I had come to see.

Sawyer looked at me with the same expression I was giving him, regret.

I gave an unsure look towards him "Uh, I was coming to talk to you" I said, scratching the back of my neck with a nervous smile.

His eyes searched my face "I was just at your hotel room. I was talking until Dinah finally told me to shut up in a very un-lady-like manner" he said, embarrassed which made me laugh a bit.

"So, can we talk?"

"I think we need to."

We looked at each other for a few minutes and I sighed "I don't even know where to begin" I said in honesty and put my hands to my forehead. Sawyer hesitated as he looked around at the hotel doors surrounding us.

"Well, we should go to my room and talk. You know our nosy hotel neighbors are listening in at this moment" he said with a lopsided grin making me nod my head in agreement.

He led me back towards his room and unlocked the door, holding it open so I could go first. I entered and walked towards the window to look out at the beach. He went to the minifridge and got out a drink.

"Want one?"

"I'm fine." I tucked my hair behind my ear and turned towards him with a sigh, I shrugged "I am going, to be honest, here. Everything is so ... odd right now that I don't even know where to begin" I admitted as I leaned on the wall and crossed my arms.

Sawyer set his drink on the coffee table and looked at me "Your heart is beating fast, you feel like it was broken just a second ago. Now that you are here with me you feel comfortable and regret from what wasn't said. You are scared to be in another relationship after your last breakup with the person you thought you were going to spend your life with" he spoke with honesty, not stuttering as he did. He let out a groan and looked at me with a frown.

"I know you feel that way because I do too."

I didn't say anything as he walked forward and took me by my hands "Lily, I don't know how to say anything towards you right. It's hard to do after a breakup, you know that. I realize that something does need to be said though" he told me, I started to speak and he shook his head "No. I want to."

He squeezed my hands as he hesitated for a moment before looking me in the eyes "You are smart, funny, and cute but I think what stole my heart is how caring you are. You are the most fun person I have been around, I like it when you smile, especially towards my jokes, it makes me feel like I did something right. I don't care about being a singer, I don't care where you go to college, I know that I want you, I want to be with you no matter what. When I first saw you I thought you were the most beautiful woman I have ever seen" he stopped and gave a smile, putting his hands on my shoulders "Even if you are clever, stunning, and a little annoying. I think it is what makes you the greatest person. You can do so much better than Will, hell, you could do so much better than me" he said with a chuckle and ran his hand up my face, rubbing his thumb against my cheek.

"What I am trying to say is that I feel a lot for you. I want to take you out on dates, I want to be able to wake up and looked beside me or at my phone and see you beside me or texting me to make sure I am alright. We understand each other and that is something that I have been looking for" he shook his hair making it fall over his shoulders, he put his hands in my hair and sighed "You are the person I have been looking for, and I want to have a relationship with you" he finished with a slight smile.

We looked at the other for a moment, him waiting for my reaction and me trying to think straight.

I got what I wanted from him. Words that went straight to my heart and make me wanna never let him go, I smiled up at him and wrapped my arms around him in a hug as he did the same to me.

"I didn't mean for this to happen. The last thing I expected on vacation was to fall in love" I mumbled into his chest as he rubbed circles into my back with his thumb, I sighed and closed my eyes "What do we do now?"

He shrugged as he hugged me tight "We find a way around all of this. College, the band, everything. I am not going to let those things keep us apart, I promise you that, Elizabeth" he told me, his voice full of determination and emotion.

I looked up at him from his chest and put my hands there, I smiled up at him and gave a nod of my head "It takes two" I told him, his eyes looked over my face as he leaned his head down and pressed a kiss to my lips.

Maybe it won't be so bad if we do have to be long-distance, we probably can make it work. Then again, online colleges were an option. Maybe we could figure it out then.

There were many reasons to fall in love, one being because you have to, another being a crush you have had forever, and then there was the accidental love or even the disaster relationship that is caused by meeting at a club and having a one night stand.

Mine was the unexpected love that has you falling hard.

The reason I fell in love was coincidental, chance even, probably luck had something to do with it. I didn't think another person could catch my eye after what happened with Will, but seeing Sawyer that night at the bar was like fate or something. Like some great power knew we would be a perfect match.

Maybe Cupid was working his magic that night? We will never know.

But, I do know that I fell in love with the guy who was a storyteller, yet stole my heart the moment he sat down and gave me a normal conversation that night.

And I was head over heels.

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