Part 22. Snopping Cousin

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"DID YOU SPEND THE NIGHT WITH HIM AGAIN?! Did you finally get some? How good is he?"

"Dinah!" I squeaked in embarrassment as I got my clothes up for a shower, I turned around from picking up a tank top and glared at my cousin who was busy trying to meddle in my love life, she looked excited as she hopped around the room getting ready to go out with the guys again tonight.

Dini waved a hand at me, "You know I'm just curious. Maybe if you get laid, you won't be as much of a sad-act like you have been," she said, shrugging, making my glare towards her become even worse.

"I will go take a shower. You keep on being a rabbit with your hopping around and wanting to screw every guy in your path" I said, picking up a pair of shorts and going to the bathroom. I slammed the door and shook my head, hearing her laugh.

Yeah, things might be ... going fast-ish between Sawyer and me, but I had no intention of pulling a Dinah and going all out for a guy. Not after what happened with Will. I had more important things to think about, such as college.

After my shower and changing into the white tank top and knee-length shorts, I stepped out and walked to the dresser. I looked around mine and Dini's mixed up jewelry and makeup before looking over at her as she was about to enter the bathroom to get ready herself.

"Hey, do you mind if I borrow some earrings?"

She paused at the door and turned to me with a grin, "Earrings? Go ahead. Sawyer likes dangle earrings from the hoops he wears, if he sees a pair on you it might make him think about taking you in his arms," she told me, I glared at her as I turned to the jewelry.

"There is no way a pair of earrings will make a guy ... want you."

"Honey, men are strange creatures that we as women have power over. If caught in the right moment, they will do anything we say, and if they are stupid enough," she told me before closing the door, I just rolled my eyes at her.

Clearly, she had never been with a guy like Will.

Sawyer does wear his hoops a lot in his ears. I picked up a pair of dangle-ish earrings that had flowers on them and raised an eyebrow before holding them up to my ears. Maybe I should see if Dini is right for once?

I put the earrings in, grabbed my cotton candy lip balm, and pulled on my tennis shoes before approving of my reflection.

Dini was done up and ready in no time with her hair up in a bun, stylishly, a red party dress with matching heels and smiling at me, her smile faded as she looked at my shorts "Seriously, Lil? Ripped knee-length shorts and a simple tank top when you are about to go out and see the guy you have been hanging around?" She said, disappointed and disproving as she opened the door. I walked out behind her and rolled my eyes.

"When I want to dress nice, I promise I will come to you. For now, it's just plain old me. And if that isn't enough for a guy, then he doesn't have to be with me."

I said this as we rounded a corner, and I stopped walking when I saw Sawyer standing next to Zeke and Doug.

Sawyer was dressed in the same button-up shirt from the night we met, but it was buttoned except for two top ones, he wore simple blue jeans with the button up tucked down into it and was wearing cowboy boots. He tucked his hair back behind his ears, showing off his hoops. He was laughing at something Doug said.

Dini nudged me in the side "He wants to impress you" she whispered before walking towards them with a grin, I rolled my eyes as I followed her.

Dini doesn't know what she is talking about. Sawyer was probably just dressed up for the bar, right? This has nothing to do with me. Although, Dini has a history of knowing what guys want.

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