Deleted Scene #2: Surf-Off

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The wind blew my hair softly over my shoulders as I brushed the hair away from my face, I stole a peek at Sawyer who was taking off his shirt to reveal a nice six-pack and dark chest hair. My heart skipped a beat and I looked away from him to stare at my surfboard which was in my hands.

I felt a sense of nostalgia as I stared at the board and then looked out at the waves, my heart hammering in my chest. It seemed like too long since I had surfed, it made me feel at peace as I stared at the shimmering water.


Looking toward Sawyer, I smiled with a nod as we both ran toward the water. I put my board out in front of me and got on with my belly toward it. I used my hands like a paddle and got out into the ocean.

When I saw a wave come up, I slowly stood up on the board and let my body take control as I surfed the wave.

I felt free with the wind blowing my hair and surfing like a master, it made me smile to myself as I rode the waves and watched Sawyer beside me. His hair wet from the waves splashing into him, it made me laugh as I looked forward and focused on my own surfing.

When a wave came crashing down onto me, I rolled under the water and kicked my feet to bring me back up. I hung onto my surfboard and coughed up water as Sawyer came over to check on me.

He sat down on his surfboard and looked down at me "You alright?"

"Never better" I told him as I climbed onto my board and straddled it, looking out at the beach goers sitting and tanning with the sun shining behind them. It was a beautiful sight, like a picture that had been painted.

I glanced over at Sawyer "Are you scared that you are gonna lose, storyteller?"

"Nah. I'm positive that I am going to win." That made me chuckle as I looked down at the water, feeling the small waves hit my legs.

"Cockiness will get you nowhere, storyteller."

"You sure about that?"

I smiled as I stared at him, admiring how he thought he was just all that. How can a guy be like that yet be sweet and charming?  I didn't know of any guy that could, which just meant that this was a once-in-a-lifetime thing.

And I wanted him.

"Yeah. I am positive. Ready to surf?"

By The Beach ✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن