Part 19. Falling In, Again

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AFTER THE COPS HAD COME AND GONE, WE ALL DECIDED not to let Will destroy our night out. We got dressed that night and went out to the bar down the street, but I still felt a little paranoid as we walked into the bar.

Luckily, I had Sawyer watching and noticing this.

"Well, my family is actually from Oklahoma. We just live in Arkansas because my dad got a better job offer when I was ten. That's how I met Doug and Zeke at college there."

I paid attention to him as we walked down the sidewalk sipping my smoothie we had stopped and gotten, Sawyer was drinking a milkshake. We ditched the guys and Dini at the bar after thirty minutes of being there, because of my paranoia, then we headed to a little food stand on the sidewalk which was where we got the drinks.

"Was Doug as much of a pain in the butt there or does he only treat family like that?" I asked as we stepped off the sidewalk and walked across a road towards the hotel.

Sawyer chuckled as he held my hand tightly "Yes. He was" he said as we got up on the other side of the sidewalk and stopped, he looked down at me with concern "Are you okay? I mean, with your ex being out here, the law now being involved, and ... now you are hanging out with me."

I smiled as I looked up at him "Honest? I figured I would have to get the police involved and being with you? That is probably the best thing to happen today" I admitted to him as we walked towards the hotel hand in hand.

A chill was in the air, I tugged his jacket tight around my shoulders as we walked across the street to the hotel.

He sighed "I'm happy to hear you say that," he told me, I shrugged as he moved from holding my hand to putting his arm around my shoulders as we walked through the hotel doors. We turned and headed down towards the elevators.

Was it weird to say that I felt comfortable when he put his arm around me? Maybe a little safe, but that was new and probably from earlier's conflict.

Ugh, conflict. Great, I am turning into the one thing I hated. Romance.

I chuckled at myself as he pressed the button for the elevator and looked down at me with a grin "I'm happy you wanted to ditch the three and spend time with me" he told me as the elevator dinged and the doors opened, we stepped on, I smiled at him.

"Who wouldn't want to spend time with a musician?" I said fake acting like a gaspy, giggly girl. He laughed as he looked down at me.

"Don't faint, now. I don't need to carry you around like I had killed you and am trying to hide your body."

I laughed as the doors opened and we stepped out into the hallway, the same damn woman from the other day stood there with her husband.

Oh perfect, I thought sarcastically as the woman stuck up her nose and walked into the elevator dragging her husband behind her.

Sawyer raised an eyebrow, clearly seeing what had just been a silent dislike going on. "Know each other?" He joked causing me to shake my head and groan.

"The one night I am left without a room key, walking through the hotel in a skimpy dress with no shoes on my feet and a woman automatically thinks I am a prostitute."

When I thought he was gonna burst out laughing, he proved me wrong by going wide-eyed in disbelief.

Instead of him laughing at me, I laughed at him as we walked to mine and Dinah's room. I stood there looking through my purse when he cleared his throat and shook his head.

Instead of being an ass about the prostitute thing, he took a different approach. "Did you forget your key again?" He teased as I looked around my purse.

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