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I awoke to screams of agony and yells of determination. It was pitch black outside, and it took me a few precious seconds for my eyes to adapt to the darkness. I pulled myself out of bed and scrambled out of my tent, dagger in hand. I dashed through the labyrinth of tents, until I found the source of the screams. There was a really gross looking guy who looked like he had wings- no, he was wearing a trench coat that was flapping wildly as he chopped the heads off of my leviathans. Angry as I was, I ignored the itchy feeling in the back of my mind, and dashed into the fight. I didn’t intend to kill the guy, something told me I couldn’t. He brandished a silver knife, one I recognized. It made my skin crawl as I realized who I was fighting. I was behind him and he didn’t know I was there, so I jumped, clutching him by his shoulders, dragging him to the ground. He tried to shove me off, but I was smarter than him. I flipped him onto his back, pinning his arms down and sitting on the inside of his knees, enabling me to break them at will. He bucked incredibly hard for several seconds, then gave up with a huff.  

"What the hell?!" I heard Dean exclaim. I waved my hand and the remaining leviathans pushed him back, obscuring his view of the commotion. I got my face close to the mans ear. 

"What are you doing here, angel?" His breathing hiked again, and he began to gasp for air and struggling again. I heard him yell in frustration.  

"You have Dean Winchester. You're keeping him locked up. Let him go." The angel gasped, trying to fling me off of his back. I pushed on the back of his right knee, and he grunted, which was followed by a sickening 'crack'. I didn’t want to hurt him, but to my surprise he seemed unfazed. His struggling quit, but there was no sign that he was in pain.  

"You killed my men." I said flatly. 

"They're leviathans! They're dangerous." He barked, obviously desperate to get the Winchester back. I pushed myself off of him, pulling him to his feet roughly. He smelled like. . . I couldn’t explain it, but he smelled gross. I saw his face clearly, and I recognized him. His eyes flashed when he saw my face, and I knew he recognized me.  

"You're. . . You're Crowley's-" 

"What in God's name are you doing down here, Castiel?"  

"Cas?!?" I heard Dean yell. I dragged Castiel forward with his tie, forcing him to walk forward. The remaining leviathans that were holding Dean back moved away quickly, not wanting to get near the angel that killed so many of their friends. Dean dramatically rushed forward and pulled the angel into a hug that made them look a little more than friends. I watched the gay hug suspiciously, Dean had been flirting with me. Maybe he was bisexual?  

"Are you guys. . .?" Dean's pull away game was strong, and he shook his head harder than I thought possible. Castiel looked disappointed, which made me even more suspicious. We stood in silence, and it was pretty awkward. 

"So you know her, Cas?" Dean asked him. I felt a little left out, if Castiel wasn’t here then Dean would be talking to me.  

"Yes, well, no actually. I've never met her, but Crowley told me if I see her, I should bring her back to him. I couldn’t get any more information out of him, but I can only guess that she's his toy or it's something real. You’re his. . . fiance?" 

AUTHORS NOTE: I don't ship Destiel, but I'd like to try writing it. So if it's crappy, bear with me because I've never written guy/guy smut before. 

I Live to Serve


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