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I was keeping track of the days, and it was exactly 2 weeks that I had arrived in Purgatory that I found an encampment. I had encountered all sorts of things, mostly monsters, there were a few leviathans here and there, but nothing really interesting. It was pitch black out, and I was still walking around, unable to sleep when I saw torches in the distance. I crouched immediately, never had I seen something like this, I decided it would be easier to explore in the daylight, when I could see. I was very careful, sleeping for just a few minutes before forcefully waking myself up to listen. I continued that way, but soon I slept longer, carelessly even. I awoke permanently just before dusk, the camp was still there, so I watched from quite a distance, eating my breakfast, which contained a different fruit, one that was like a banana, but tasted like a lemon. It was all I had. There were animals, they were like deer, and rabbits, stuff I could actually eat if I knew how to hunt and if I had a bow. I had neither. I finished the last of my food, and pulled a machete out of my sleeve. I slowly approached the encampment. It was very large, and I circled it, trying to determine who was there. I saw no one, so I carefully stepped into the camp. I stepped past a torch and five different people came flying out of the tents in front of me. They all easily tackled me down, taking advantage and snatching my machete from my hands. The people crawled off of me, forming a small circle. I stood up and one of them opened their mouth, revealing rows and rows of large, sharp teeth. I felt my stomach churn, they were all leviathans. I pulled another machete out of my other sleeve. I gave a savage yell and charged the leviathan in front of me. There were a bunch of snarls, and the others pinned me down. They shoved my face in the dirt and leaves, They began to punch and kick me, knocking the breath out of my lungs, leaving me gasping for air that would not come. One of them straddled me, and I felt them wrap their hand through my hair, pulling my head up and opening their mouth right next to my face. I tried to throw him off, but he had me securely pinned to the ground. All I could hear was my heartbeat and the scuffling of leaves and growls and yells of the leviathans. All I could see was their feet, there were more than five now, and they were beating the shit out of me. It was beginning to get difficult to stay conscious, until I heard a very feminine yell.  

"Hey, lay off. We don’t even know who it is." The mystery girl yelled. My vision was blurry and everything was slow.  

"But My Qu-"  

"Quiet! Let me see him." I felt the weight leave my back, but I was in no condition of standing or even rolling over. I looked up as the feet cleared away from me to see a young woman, she was blonde, and she had very striking, bright blue eyes. Her hair fell in curls down to the small of her back, and it looked incredibly clean. She looked... well, clean. I blinked, and tried to say something, but it came out as a muffled "Guuaanghh." She walked up to me, and kneeled by my head. She didn’t grab my hair, or touch me in anyway, but she was saying something under her breath. I didn’t make anything out, but she paused.  

"Winchester. Dean I assume?" She asked me. My vision began to clear, and holy hell she was hot. Her legs weren't big, they were like an athletes. Slim and strong. She wasn’t big, but she wasn’t a skinny little girl either. She wore a pair of really tight jeans, and a loose, low cut tank top covered her top. I looked her up and down, but immediately my brain knew she was a leviathan. There wasn’t anything that hung with leviathans, other than leviathans. Her eyes flashed with an unknown emotion, and she stood, pulling a pure black flask out of her back pocket. She gestured one of the leviathans that beat the crap out of me over to her. I watched and she poured a bit of the substance onto him, and immediately the patch of skin that had been touched turned green and began to smoke. a low hiss emitted from his skin. He cringed and flicked his wrist, droplets of the liquid flinging off of his hand. He quickly rubbed it off on his clothing, and the girl approached me again. She knelt down again, and a few drops dripped of what she had in the flask dripped onto my skin. It didn’t burn, and it didn’t make my skin turn green.  

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