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I awoke the next morning well rested, and it was already daylight. I sat up in the bed I was in, and stretched, yawning loudly. I crawled out of the tent, still half asleep and almost ran into Jean.  

"Sir, I was just about to wake you. Collect your things, we're moving. I'll take down your tent as soon as your done." I looked around and he was right, they were moving. Most of the tents were gone, and the campfire had been covered with dirt. I crawled back in my tent, collecting the pillow, blanket and my clothes. I slipped my weapons back into the places where they belonged, then clambered back out of the tent. Jean was gone, and Dunkan stood in his place. He collected my things, and then called for Jean, who was followed by another leviathan. Jean approached me, and directed me to Summer. I followed his directions and found her easily. She was standing in a clearing by the river, a towel wrapped around her body. Her hair was wet, and really curly. She was running her fingers through the long blonde locks, trying to tame it. She turned to me, her fingers still in her hair. 

"Dean. You're alive. I thought for sure you died in your sleep or something." She didn’t seem to be bothered by me eyeing her, but I stopped, and smiled politely.  

"I'm alive. Jean said you would be over here. Sorry if I'm interrupting you." I said. She shrugged, not seeming to care. She turned around, and dropped her towel. I couldn’t help but check her out. She had a nice ass, and she was really curvy. Her legs were just the right size, tight, and not very flabby. She had a thigh gap, but it wasn’t huge. I could see the sides of her boobs, and they were perky. She bent over and picked her bra up, sliding it on but she struggled to snap it in the back.  

"Dean? Could you help me out here?" She asked, turning her head to look at me. I carefully approached her, hiding my dirty thoughts as if she could read them. She slid her hair across her shoulder so it wasn’t in my way, then lifted her arms. I felt my breath catch in my throat and I couldn’t help but slide my fingers across the sides of her chest as I grasped the straps. I took my time to snap them together, then I daringly ran my fingers underneath the straps that ran over her shoulders, "making sure" they weren't twisted. She didn’t care, as soon as I stepped away, she snatched her black panties, pulling them up, then she stepped into a pair of different cut off jean shorts. She slipped a different tank top over chest, then turned around and ran her fingers through her hair again. I watched her as she coaxed her long hair into a single braid that ran down her back.  

"Let's go get you some breakfast, kiddo." She patted my shoulder, walking away.  

We went back to camp, and she dug through a bag one of the leviathans gave her. She pulled a fruit I had never seen before out of the pack, and handed it to me. I bit into it, expecting a sour flavor because it was green. I was surprised when it tasted like chocolate. 'So many surprises.' I thought. Summer clapped her hands, looking around as everyone brought their attention to her.  

"Ready to go?" She said aloud. All the tents were down and leaves had been strewn over the former campsite, making it look as if no one was ever there.  Dunkan gave me a bag of my own.  

"All of your things are in there sir, and some corcle, just in case you get hungry." I glanced at Summer, unsure of what corcle was.  

"It's the fruit you're stuffing your face with right now. Good isn't it?" I made a small 'oh' and looked away, taking another bite of the corcle.  

"Scout, take the lead, toward... you know where." She said to a leviathan I had never seen before. Scout nodded, and began the journey forward. 

We had been traveling silently for hours, Summer and I were in the center of the formation that seemed to form by itself when we started walking. Scout took the lead, and the leviathans that surrounded us were the fighters, there to protect us. They talked and laughed, breaking my first rule that I learned in Purgatory, not to be carelessly noisy. Finally, I couldn’t stand the silence between me and Summer.  

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