First Day We Met

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"And you honestly think that I would ever let you meet her?! No, mum. You can't see her." I gave Fergus my best bitch face, flicking my deep red hair behind my shoulders and placing a hand on my hip dramatically. He sat on his throne, which was really stupid looking. Sure, I was proud of him, he was a demon, he was a King. But he was still as disappointing as ever.

"I think you should, Fergus. She's your girlfriend. I deserve to see her, unless you want me to forbid you from seeing her." He was already in a bad mood, but me pestering him about his girlfriend made it worse. I stepped up to his high chair, giving him a pitying look.

"Unless, that is. You don't have one." I could see him grit his teeth with frustration, I was making his mood worse than it was.

"MUM! I do to have a girlfriend. You don't think the King of HELL can get a girlfriend?!?" He was starting to get into his childish tantrums, and his maturity level decreased dramatically.

"Oh, alright. What's her hair color?"


"Eye color?"

". . ." I felt a small smile pierce my lips, he was lying.

"I can't hear you."

"Green." I sighed. Walking away from his throne, I slid onto a stone table that sat a distance away from him.

"Fergus, you don't need to lie to your mother. There's nothing to be ashamed of. It's alright if you don't have a girlfriend, but I still think you don't deserve one." He sat quietly, no longer paying attention to me.

"She's not here."

"What was that? She's not here? What does that mean?" He rolled his eyes.

"Exactly what I said. Now could you please go die somewhere gross?" We sat in silence for more minutes than I was comfortable with, but he didn't seem to want to talk anymore. I left him to think about what he said, knowing that he was a very bad liar made it better for me, it made me feel as if I won the conversation.


The redhead bitch left me alone to myself. I could see the smug look on her face, she thought I was lying, I didn't even care. I wasn't a liar, okay, that's a lie. But I wasn't lying about my "girlfriend" not being here. She wasn't. It had been five years, my mom happened to randomly show up after the Winchesters went and stuck their heads into a hole. Dean had recently gone to Purgatory, but it wasn't my issue. It was quiet without Summer. I wasn't used to it. Just thinking of her face rendered me unable to breath correctly. My heart leaped to my throat and I couldn't seem to push it down. I leaned over, pouring myself a glass of Craig to calm my heartsick nerves. I took a sip, and the familiar liquid burned a useless trail down my throat. I tried to relax, but it was pointless. My mood had slowly declined into a black fiery pit of disgust, hate and irritation after she disappeared. I hated every second she was gone, but I didn't give up hope that she was still alive. She had to be. I told Castiel that if he ever saw her, he should bring her to me. I hadn't seen him recently, of course, he was stuck in Purgatory with Dean. As soon as Dean was back, Sam and Bobby would be able to function correctly again and I could ask them to look for her. I could lie and tell them she was a rogue demon that disobeyed me and everyone else she worked for. She was a bad demon. . . she was a naughty demon that needed punishment for her misbehavior. I straightened my back, my mind wandering off for a few seconds, thinking about what her punishment would be if we were "roleplaying" (as she called it) in bed. We had never done more than kissed, besides a few heated make out sessions, but nothing more. She didn't refuse, but she never accepted either, she was quite skilled at putting things off. She was a professional procrastinator, which was different. Whenever I tried to take it further, she would find a way to put it off and it would take me awhile to notice how and when she had done it. She never ceased to amaze me. My thoughts hit a rocky part, and I started to think about how stupid I was to be getting close to a human. But she was special, she was mentally stronger than most, and her soul was the brightest thing I had ever seen before. It resembled an angels grace, but just slightly dimmer. The brighter and more exotic color a soul was, the more developed a person was, or that just meant they were possessed by something or just a monster. She asked for nothing, but gave everything in return. She was aware that I was a demon and her being a hunter just meant trouble to her. She was the one person in my life that probably knew more about myself than I did, other than my mother.

When we first met, she was about to be killed by a rogue crossroads demon under the command of me specifically. The other demons that were trying to catch him weren't doing a good job, so I decided to step in myself. The first thing I saw were her eyes, bright green and desperate, but there was a slight readiness to them. She was prepared to die, but she wouldn't go out with a fight. Of course, I paused when I saw her soul and that's what helped me come to realize why the demon went rogue. He wanted her soul, because he knew that if he had that kind of soul on him, he would be able to bargain his way out of a punishment for something he did. He wacked her upside the head and she was instantly unconscious. I easily dealt with the demon myself, then turned my attention on her. She had awoken halfway, which was quite a feat. Her eyes were unfocused and I did consider taking her soul for a few seconds, but I thought otherwise. She was injured, and a hospital wouldn't help her with the type of injuries she had. I brought her back to hell, and had a few demons fix her up. She slept for three days, then I returned her to the foster home she lived at. After that, I couldn't take my mind off of her. I stalked her, watching where she went, things she did, what she ate, how long she slept. I ran into her a few times, on purpose. There was one day I ran into her, and she gave me a strange look. Before I could walk away, she said "Are you following me? Because I swear I've seen you lurking behind every corner I turn on and when I actually turn, you're not there." I kept my cool, giving her a small smirk.

"Of course not, darling. Why would I ever follow you?" After the word 'darling' her cheeks turned a little pink and she looked down at her feet, brushing her blonde bangs out of her eyes. Her eyelids fluttered, and she looked back up to me. She apologized several times, each time saying something different. She turned to leave but I couldn't help catching her arm. I asked if she would go with me somewhere sometime and she quietly accepted my offer, obviously shy and touched by my words. I'd never seen a girl walk away so fast in my life, and of course, as creepy as I am, I watched her when she got home. She was excited, I could easily point that out. But she was scared and nervous too. Mostly because she was almost 17 and I was a lot older looking than her, and I could have easily been a rapist, or anything along that line.

Her foster parents hated her and she was slightly depressed, which gave her a reason to eat and binge on Netflix. Her foster parents were incredibly rich, but they gave her nothing unless they felt she needed it. They were blindingly generous, buying her expensive clothes they felt she should wear. She didn't hate them, the only things she hated were lasagna, meatloaf, and hamburger/beef. She hated things, but none of them were animals, or people. She was incredibly optimistic, despite her depression. She knew how to cheer people up, she knew what it took to make people laugh and that's what she loved to do. That was what I saw in her the first few days I met her. That's how I felt.

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