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I have a very bad habit of looking at my phone at the newly established contact. Marissa Thomas glowed back at me. Sure, I already had her number but actually receiving it from her made it that much sweeter. I drove by an old lumber yard and parked my car so it was hidden in the woods, away from suspicious eyes. What I was about to do counted a couple federal offenses, trespassing, burglary, and theft. But I did not want the purchase of two large oak beams on any records of mine, or to pay cold cash. I didn't want any connection. And by the time these people that worked her noticed something was missing, my work would be complete.

But I had to move quickly. I pulled out a pair of industrial scissors made of pure steal and went for the barbed fence. This scissors aren't messed at work, no one will notice they are gone. I don't even now why we have a pair, we aren't the ones that actually work on the computer main frames on the top floor. The lumber yard was closed on Sunday's, so no one had been around all day. The cutting of the fence was much more difficult then I thought, a bigger pair of scissors might have helped.. It took 20 long minutes to chomp through the wire just to make a whole large enough for me to squat though. I shoved the scissors into my pocket and rushed inside.

The wind bristled a few tree branches nearby and I froze in place, at first I did not know what it was. But when I realized, I chuckled to myself and continued to sneak through the yard. Right now the smell of freshly cut pine was very strong, and I knew I had to walk a little further up to get to the specific beams I wanted. Oak was a strong and hearty wood, pine was soft.  I decided to take a a risk and use the flashlight on my phone, the light shined around me and showed the muddy clay like dirt. It had rained earlier, and I realized that my boots were probably covered in mud. I'd have to clean them right away, no.. After everything I will clean them. Nonsense in cleaning them twice.

I almost laughed at the thought but remembered what my goal here was. Walking in this small crouched position was getting quite painful, especially at the speed I was moving at. But when I finally got to the beams I was glad to feel the burn in my thighs. I stood up and slipped my arms around one beam that was sticking out of the pile, and pulled it onto my shoulder. I felt my arm buckle and instinct panic began to rise once again but I got a good grip and began to walk quickly but quietly across the yard. Sliding the first beam through the hole I ran back to get the other one. I knew for sure now that I was alone, someone would have heard me by now.

I grabbed the other beam so quickly that I almost cracked my shoulder, the plank landing hard on my collar bone with a loud thud. I winced in pain and cursed, that was surely going to leave a bruise. Once the other beam was under the fence I crawled under it myself and dragged them over to the hidden truck. While I was lifting the second beam into the bed a car came rushing from around the corner, way to fast to see the face behind the wheel. I felt a deep pane of nausea bounce around in my stomach. Hopefully whoever was driving didn't even notice me, or what I was doing. That was just hop though, if anything they did notice, and they certainly would remember the man in the blue plaid shirt lifting two beams into the back of a red Chevy pick-up truck. In the middle of the woods. I slapped myself across the face for this, in sure stupidity, what was I thinking? My best bet would be to get my truck sprayed a different color at some dingy body shop. And, burn these close somewhere in the middle of the woods.

Or maybe, just maybe I am overreacting. No, you can never be to careful in this kind of business. As I turned out into the dark street, it seemed like the road was deep and dark. Continuously forever, I was alone out here. It was me and this dark lonely road and that's how it was going to be for a very long time. The darkness was strangely inviting, and I welcomed it too.  I rolled down the window and it smelled damp and late outside, My nerves from the car earlier had gone and soon enough I was setting my GPS to a pre-set destination. I looked down at the axe that was tucked in between the front seat and console and smiled. I had not cleaned all the blood off from "Scarlett". I laughed deeply, so much that tears came to my eyes. The color of her hair, her coat, and her blood, which was probably a dark brown by now. So far, her body has not even been discovered. There hasn't even been a missing persons report filed for her on police records. Of course I felt slightly bad, no one in the world seemed to notice that she was gone. Besides me, and of course her regulars.  

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