Jane's Confession

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It was a half an hour to midnight, I had been driving around for only twenty minutes when I spotted

her. She was actually getting dropped off. I shuttered as I watched her get out of the car. Her hair,

that had been once blonde was now an ugly red. It was simply ugly on her, everyone has a certain

color that just pulls them together, red; at least in her hair was not fitting. She seemed to stumble

when she walked. As if her shoes were to big, she looked back at the car and waved lazily, blew a

kiss and stumbled over to the corner of the street. The car sped off into the night, I watched the lights

disappear on the horizon, as far as I could see. Making sure we were completely alone, I turned and

looked at every possible windows, doors and streets. When I knew for sure we were alone, I drove

 up  to her corner. She smiled lazily and walked over to the car. Her eyes popped when she peered

into the passenger seat, when she spoke it was drown out and slurred. "You... you look, familiars',

do I know you?" She belly laughed and began to drag her fingers across the car door, it didn't really

entice me, but I had to act cool. "No, maybe you've seen me around. Wanna get out of here?" I

unlocked the car, she smiled and opened eagerly. "I hope you don't mind, but I'm taking you to my

place. I don't like cars, not enough room for.. what I like." She laughed again, choking a little at the

end. "I charge extra for kinky stuff." She snorted. "Forgive me, but I don't know your name." She

looked over, eyes glazed. I could smell the liqueur excreting from her pores. "Scarlet. I like the red

colors, it attracts people. Get's there attention." She giggled and twirled her hair, up close not only

did the ugly red that had stained her blonde hair look even more horrible, but her hair was also

straw like from being bleached, and her scalp was greasy. I sustained myself from shuttering with

disgust. "You should know, I'm sure you get a lot of looks with that head of curly red hair. I just

wanna pull it.." She began to reach over slowly with her hand, that stupid drunken smile all over her

face. It only angered me, I looked at her and gave her the most strained smile I could muster and

whispered. "Not yet.." She laughed and pulled her hand away. "I like you... I might actually enjoy

myself..." I felt a sudden pull of desire in my chest, Jane, the girl I was in love with in high school is

sexually attracted to me? A million things began to run through my mind. Maybe my original plans

aren't what I was meant to do.. I stole a quick glance at her and the sudden flash was gone and was

flushed away. Young Jane wasn't there anymore. Lights flickered from outside across her sprawled

drunken body, her lazy smile slinking across her face, which was sunken and wrinkled. Her eyes

were still beautiful, but the whites were long yellowed and bloodshot. Her teeth, he just noticed were

also yellowing. Her eyebrows were basically painted on, the rest of her makeup seemed to be

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