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Jane was her name. I went to high school with her, and she was beautiful. Her eyes were like these giant projecting orbs of blue light

that could make anyone smile, and her blonde bouncy hair swept over her shoulders. She was tall and curvy, she looked like a super

model, the high cheek bones, big pink lips, and soft light skin. Everyone was in love with her at some point in time. I was too, until I

found out the truth about Jane. People thought I had an obsession with her, perhaps I did. I'd follow her around and try to make

conversation, and being the kind heart she supposedly was, she smiled. But in her eyes you could see the words, "Leave me alone

creep". But I ignored the under current. I wouldn't believe that a person like Jane would think such things. One day in our junior

year, I decided to follow Jane without her knowing. I knew this was wrong, but I just wanted to watch her, even when she walked it

was with a graceful swing of the hips. After she strolled around campus for a little bit, it seemed she was walking no where, but I

knew she was just making sure I wasn't following her. I smiled at my slyness. I'd never felt so accomplished for doing something so

wrong. Then, she walked off into the city, so I followed her out there too. Now hiding from her on the streets was way easier then on

campus because I blended right in with the rush of people. Boston isn't as busy as New York City, but the streets were.

Crosswalks are always packed during the day and the people drive like assholes; something anyone from some where other then

Massachusetts would say. Everyone drives a little crazy here. Jane picked up the pace and then stopped on the edge of the sidewalk.

We were near the park, walking for quite awhile now. It was getting a little dark and the temperature was dropping. After a rush of

cars drove by she bolted it across the street into a random Alleyway I hadn't noticed before. I didn't know if I should cross or not. I

stood there for a moment, contemplating whether I should cross. I was actually considering leaving her alone with her private life,

but curiosity nagged at my brain. I wanted to know why she would go down there. After a car sped by I also bolted and quickly

dashed behind a dumpster. Peering around the corner, I saw Jane with an older looking man. He seemed angry, grumbling so lowly

I couldn't make out what he was saying, but Jane spoke loud and clear. "Look Johnny, I would have more money for you but it's not

easy anymore to exchange at school... For anything really, so I've been taking our business else where." Johnny grabbed Jane and

shoved her up against the closest building, she let out a little surprised "oof" and her beautiful eyes filled with fear. "Listen' to me you

whohr', the pahk and the school is our turf' you see." He paused, staring down at her, I was so scared I was frozen in place. "Your

paying costumers either have to screw you where we are located or get lost." She looked down, awayy from his hungry gaze. "I'd

rather just sell the drugs Johnny, not myself." She whispered. He slammed her into the wall again. "If you wasn't goin' to school I

would beat your ass." I was horrified at what I was listening to, I thought Jane was this wonderful angel, it turns out she is the exact

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