The Voices are Gone

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I woke up maybe at eight in the morning to blaring sirens outside on the roads. I only chuckled, and got up to look outside. Every few minutes or so a cop car would go by, lights flashing and sirens going off. I only wish I could go to the scene and be part of the crowd, but that is one of the first things they'd be looking for.  So I just had to wait for the news to start blabbing about it, or read it in the papers. I sat there on the cheap springy bed, fighting the urge to get up and drive back. But me being so close was dangerous enough. And I had to leave sooner then later. I took another shower, but this time it was cold and quick. Before I left, I checked the news, and I was unsatisfied. They must be keeping it private, for now.  It was too early to call Marissa and ask her when she was free next, and I don't wanna stay down here for long. I hated coming back down here, it brings back to many memories that I had buried long ago. Out of habit, I stared at my phone again, a smile
spreading across my face. Today was going to be good, I had a feeling.

More sirens blared by the hotel, and I started to laugh. I might as well enjoy the day with Marissa while I am hear. Just as I went to go pick up my phone and call her, it began to rang. It was Marissa. For some reason I felt odd answering the call, "Bill, we need to talk." I didn't even have time to say hi, she sounded like she was frustrated. "Um, yea of course. What's wrong?" There was a long pause. "I need to talk to you in person Bill, its more of a personal thing..." I was hesitant about her tone now. "Oh, alright, where do you want to meet?" "At the town park, right now. I know your still in town. Come as soon as you can." She hung up after that. Something is up, I have to be careful now. After I signed out of the hotel, the whole entire ride down I felt like I was being followed. I looked in my rear view mirror maybe several times. No one was there though, no one that was directly following me. I don't know what to think of Marissa, she was acting like it was an emergency of some sort, and I had no idea. Why would she want to meet me at the park for instance? It was weird and came from no where. Unless she just really needed to talk to me. Maybe she had heard about what had happened to Mr.Adams. I smirked, thinking of how happy she was going to be, without having any idea about my involvement. 

When I pulled into the park though, I saw her sitting on the bench. When she saw my truck, her eyes nearly bulged out of her head, but she turned as if she hadn't noticed me come in. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Shit. I stepped out of my truck and went into the trunk in the bag, I took the now dry bloody ax out and quickly hid it in my coat. I wasn't going to kill her, I couldn't; but I felt that I needed the ax. I walked toward her, she still would not look over in my direction. I had a feeling what she was going to ask me. "Hey," She whipped around and had a smile plastered on to her face. "Hi," she stood up;"I just needed to ask you something..." She looked behind me, towards the direction of my truck. "OK." She was quiet for along time, we just looked at each other for awhile, I could see the fear in her eyes. She was scared to death. " Why were you lifting wooden beams into your truck on the side of the road?" It dawned on me. She was the person who drove by, she knew. I felt for my ax. "I do not know-"; "You know exactly what I am talking about! You killed him!" She took a couple steps back, looking more angry now then scared, but still.  I pulled out my ax and she screamed. "Marissa, I killed him for you. He deserved to die.. he, can never hurt you again." She turned and began to run and scream. "Don't make me do this!" I began to ran after her, out of the corner of my eye I saw someone else start to run as well. I only ran faster. "You are a monster BILLY!" I raised the ax in the air and heard other people screaming at me, but I couldn't hear them anymore, the ax flew from my hands and just missed her, the loud bang went off seconds after, and it was all black after that, I still do not know where I am know, whether this is heaven or hell, but all there is is darkness, and permanent silence. 


Bill was shot straight through the heart by an officer that Marissa had  been followed by to watch her confront him. She was driving home from work when she saw Bill on the side of the road lifting the oak beams into the truck. She thought it was odd, but had no idea of his intentions. When she drove by the empty lot where Mr.Adams was on display on her way to work, she called the cops herself. The realization dawned on her, and she told this to investigators. She agreed to speak with him, but was not expecting it to actually be true. But when she saw his truck, her fears were confirmed. Jane's body was eventually found after someone rented the warehouse out and made the gruesome discovery, and her blood was found on the ax that had been within Bill's position. His motive for killing her was never really cleared. Bill's campaign was never completed.

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