Crucified: Part 2

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The panic was evident in his eyes, but this only encouraged me. I suddenly remembered my ax, and that is was still in the truck. I silently preyed to myself that he hadn't noticed it. I kept my calm composure and continued my slow casual walk. I felt like a lion silently stalking its prey, waiting for the exact moment to pounce and sink my teeth into the unsuspecting neck of a gazelle. But in a mere moment Mr.Adams opened the car door and turned to run, i felt my primal instincts take over and my legs going faster then they ever have before. If this gazelle got away, he would come back with more. But like the old man he was, he couldn't run forever, and he almost made it to the road too.

I was right on his heels, breathing in through my nose and out through my mouth, I reached my hands outward and grabbed the back of his shirt. There was a struggle and we both stumbled to the ground, I had awkwardly landed on top of him and there was a loud snap and a low cry of pain. "You fucking bastard.. broke my ankle-" I covered his mouth with my hand and pressed down. The rest of his sentence was a bunch of muffles and a lot of growling. I dragged him back to the cross, making sure his ankle was dragging along the ground, aiming for all the rocks and such. A muffled curse was received each time. I only laughed in return, my sense of humor was becoming darker everyday. It was going to become harder to blend in with everyone else, all the other gazelles, or should I say sheep. I am the lion, and I walk among them. I felt a sudden boost of power swell up in my chest at the thought.

I reached into the back of my pocket for the rag, but I realized that it wasn't there anymore and was still in the truck. I growled and tore off a piece of the struggling mans shirt instead, removing my hand from his mouth for a second so I could wrap it around his skull, preventing him from speaking. He choked out one more curse and gave up. Looking at me with pure hatred and anger. "You don't remember me, do you? Mr.Adams... Well it's Billy, Billy Chester. What I'm going to do to you... well, I'm going to crucify you. Mr.Adams, up until recently people were usually crucified for being a heretic... But I think you know why we are here." I paused, his eyes were now replaced with fear. Fear so strong, it literally drives a man insane, breaks the human conscious down to the basics of survival, to the point where you know nothing but the very idea of whatever you are afraid of.

There was no way out of this, and he knew it. "Why am I telling you who I am? Why am I letting you see my face? Well, because after I crucify you, I am...hehe.. Going to kill you. And then, I'm gonna go on a date with Marissa." I said it so calmly, it only amplified the fear that was now filling the air, and hitting me with wave after wave. It made me feel so alive. The voices in my head were very faint now, this was all on my own decision. I began to drag him over the cross and a muffled scream, which sounded more like the wheels of a car turning to fast came out of the tied mouth. I looked down at him and reached for the first nail and the hammer. "NOFFFFF! NOOFFSRFFFOORRY!" Using my body to hold him down, I took his arm and place it on the arm of the cross. "PLEAFFFF! NOFF!" I placed the nail in the center of his palm, and decided to push it in through the skin a little, a struggled gasp of pain was followed after it.

Taking the hammer, I slowly lined it up with the nail, and looked into Mr.Adams' eyes. "I am only doing the lords bidding..." I slammed the hammer down, blood spattered on the sleeves of my shirt, "ARRGHHHHHHHHH!" I slammed the hammer down again, this time I heard a crunch, all the cartilage  was in my way now, I slammed again and again and I finally reached the wood. I stopped for a moment when I realized that there were no noises coming from the old man, and I looked over and saw that he had passed out. I laughed and back handed him across the face, He woke up and his eyes bulged out of his head, he looked directly at me with agony, "I don't want you to miss any of this.." I finished hammering the first hand in and shifted to the next. He tried to move but only moaned in pain when his right hand tugged around the nail that was keeping it in place.

The left hand was easier and a little more bloodier, my hands were covered and my sleeves were soaked with his blood. The smell of old pennies was going to be stuck in my noise for awhile. Now that both of his hands were nailed in, I didn't have to hold him down any more. His face was frozen in pain, wincing at every move I made. But his eyes followed mine at all times. It was kinda creepy, but then again my level of creepy was off the charts. I laughed at myself again and went right to the broken ankle. It was indeed broken, you could see where the bone had displaced itself. I instinctively tapped it with the bloody hammer and Mr.Adams cried out, tears were receding down his face and he sniffled back loose snot. I was grinning so much my face was starting to hurt a little, I took the third nail and placed it in the top layer of skin in his foot. Not even a sound, he was building up a tolerance. I only slammed the hammer down harder and didn't even stop when I heard all the bones in his foot splinter into each other, I had placed the nail a little to much towards his actually leg. But it only caused more pain for him, so I guessed it was alright.

I spared nothing on the other foot either, each time I slammed the hammer down more violently, blood was spattered all over my close, and I suddenly had the desire to be living in twelfth century Europe, hammering nails into any one that even looked at a church funny. Tears covered his face, and he whimpered every now and then. I figured it was safe to take his muzzle off. He only breathed heavily with his mouth and closed his eyes, squeezing them shut and looking away from the horror seen he had became the center piece of. Now, came the hard part. I dragged the top of the cross towards the hole in the ground. I was definitely going to be sore in the morning. When the end was next to the hole, I began to push. There was a loud thud when the beam reached the bottom, and then I began pushing the whole cross up right. When I was sure it was stable I began to fill the hole in with all the dirt I had dug up. The sun was rising soon, the sky was turning dark blue, and soon it would light up. People would be getting up to go to work, the dump trucks would be driving around. And I still had to burn all these close. I sighed and gave the cross a good shake. It did not stagger, and I stood back to admire my work.

Mr.Adams was grinding his teeth together and what was left of his muscles were straining, he still would not open his eyes. "See... I wasn't lying.. heh." He still didn't open his eyes. "If you hadn't touched Marissa, we wouldn't be here. Just think about it.. maybe you'd have a job still, and a wife your age. Maybe even a-" "Shut your god dame mouth boy." I was shocked at his sudden outburst. He opened his eyes and looked at me with hatred once again. "I always knew something was wrong with you... you fucking cocksucking faget.." I only smiled. "You see... that's the thing. YOU, were probably the cocksucking faget in prison for twenty years, am I right? People like you are low, even in a convicts eyes. Tell me, how big was you asshole going in and how big is it now?" I threw my head back and laughed, he growled so low it sounded like a dog. "I'll be right back..." I strutted over to my truck and carefully reached over the drivers seat and picked up my ax. It felt good to hold it again, and as I walked over to Mr.Adams, he only sneered at me with disgust.

"That blood... isn't mine." I looked down at the blade, and almost giggled at the thought of Scarlet again. "No, but it will mix with yours soon." I waited for a moment. He still continued to sneer at me, and I smiled in return. "At least I got to touch her before you!" He snarled, and it was all I needed to throw the ax at his chest. There was a loud sploshing noise, and a gurgling sound. Mr.Adams began to cough up blood and the light slowly began to fade from his eyes. I walked over and reached up for the ax, when I ripped it out of his chest blood splurged out and covered me almost entirely. He had admitted his sin to me, so therefore I was being baptized in his confession.

I began to take of all my close and walk over to the woods. It was nearly four in the morning by now, people would be up soon. I worked fast, burning all the close with what was left of the gasoline I had used before to burn the close I killed Jane in. I then walked over and placed the ax in the metal chest in the back of my truck, it was to messy to keep in the center counsel now. Getting into my truck, naked, and my head still had blood, I felt only slightly odd at this point. I took one good last look at Mr.Adams, there was so much blood on the ground and on the cross I actually snapped back into reality and realized that I went a little over board. Guilt was not new to me, but my head was clear again and I felt good. The drive back to the hotel was sped, and running in to my room wasn't something I did everyday either. But the small hotel was not far, and I got back just at five. So everyone there was probably still asleep. After I took a shower and watched all the blood go down the drain, I simply fell on the bed and instantly fell into a peaceful dreamless sleep.

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