Where It All Started

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I woke up the next morning, I slept pretty good considering all the things going on right now. I got all my stuff together and headed out.

There was a group of zombies heading past the house, so I snuck through the basement door. The roads were bare no one to be seen until I saw a group of kids, my age, in hoodies sneaking in to the school. The school was very far away and it was hard to tell who they were so I started my way to the school.

The door was closed but one window was cracked so I opened it and slipped through. I couldn't find the kids. They are probably hiding somewhere. So i go into the janitors closet and grab the ring of keys most of the doors in the school are locked. So I use the keys to unlock room 118, Mrs. Maddox's room. there are a lot of chairs and a big cabinet to hide in if I need to and a window to run. I throw all my stuff, except for the revolver and the keys, in the closet, barricade the door, and head out.

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